Birthday Week 2020

Remember when you were a child, how exciting birthdays were? In my 8-year-old world, birthdays were the best event of the year. A whole day of presents, cake, and friends? What could be better than that?
In fact, I remember turning eight especially well. That was the year I had chicken pox. The party had to be moved to a week later. My poor mom probably had to call everyone. Kids these days do not know how good they have it with their chicken pox immunity. Mom had planned this big party for me at Bob-a-lou, one of my favorite places on earth at the time. Bob-a-lou was the local roller skating rink, and you know what a big deal roller skating was in the ’80s.
Not only was it supposed to be a Bob-a-lou party, but Mom also made me the best cake of all time. It was one of those birthday cakes with the Barbie doll in the middle, so the cake was her dress. Looking back, I am even more impressed with my mother’s handy work on that now than I was then! As Barbie’s biggest fan, I was so excited about this thing. We even had the scary/hilarious moment when we lit the candles and Barbie’s hair caught fire. Barbie never fully recovered, but I played with her anyway.

This all makes me smile because it makes me think even more about how blessed I have always been to have such an awesome mother. Thank you, Mom!
But then you know, as you get older, in your 20s and 30s, birthdays become less and less of a big deal. In fact, most years I have trouble remember what age I am even turning.
But not this year! This year we are making thirties birthdays great again.
Birthdays in your thirties can be fun too. I am old enough now to know what I like and make plans for that. Life doesn’t just happen to me anymore. I can make things happen, right? Why be ordinary when it can be fun instead? Why stay home when I can go visit people, have lunch with Alan, and take my kids out to dinner?
Let the birthday week fun begin!

We got a new basketball goal! This wasn’t actually for my birthday, but it did happen this past week. We wanted a second one so that John David could practice at home with a shorter goal. We have one on the street, but it is adjusted at full height. The back patio is a small space, but it isn’t quite as small as it looks in the photo. It is working out quite well. I’m thankful we did this.

I drove to D.C. and had lunch at Vie de France. It was delicious, of course, but more importantly it was so nice to get to sit down with Amy for a couple of hours. We go way back to 2011, and when you move as much as I do, keeping a friend that long is a much needed accomplishment.
When I met up with Amy I told her that today I was dressed all career-like, as she always does, and that I had decided to pretend like I belonged right there on Capitol Hill. It was delightful. I must have been pretty convincing. Two different men in suits stopped to ask me directions to the Rayburn Building. When the first guy I asked me, I had no idea, but then I passed the enormous Rayburn building, so I was able to seriously look like I knew something when the second dude asked later on. haha!
The Case of the Single Soaking Wet Glove
I thoroughly enjoyed walking around Washington, D.C., and I parked so far away that I got to walk both up and down Capitol Hill. My feet are still mad at me, but it was well worth it. D.C. is a city like no other. I dropped one of my gloves near the Dept. of Education building, and I was disappointed because that is my favorite pair of gloves. Well, on my way back by the building, an hour or two later, I FOUND my glove, sitting on a concrete corner piece, soaking wet. (It was raining off and on.)
I gasped and grabbed my black and pink cottony glove. I said out loud, “Oh yea! My glove!” you know, just in case anyone thought I was just weirdly picking up a nasty glove for no reason. Isn’t it funny how much attention we bother with giving to how we are perceived? Just then, a police man popped out of a room that I didn’t even realize was there, but in D.C. police or other agents are watching your every move. He asked in an upbeat voice, “Is that your glove?”
“Yes! I was so excited to find it!”
“Yeah, I found it lying on the sidewalk over there, so I put it up there just in case.” I think he was quite happy to have reunited that runaway glove with its proper owner.
I thanked him profusely and went on my merry way. I love D.C. Did I mention I love D.C.? I also went way over on my parking limit and did not receive a parking ticket. That’s always a nice bonus. You can never bet on that.

The next day I had lunch with Alan, at a restaurant I had never eaten at before. It is right on the Chesapeake Bay in Aberdeen. The view was so much better in person, and at one point a real life bald eagle flew right overhead. Perfection!

After lunch, Alan took a 15-minute power nap in the car before his next meeting. He has no idea I took this picture. I hope he doesn’t make me take it down. Napping pictures are so funny to me!

Yesterday I drove to Springfield, Virginia, to have lunch with my old after school club. We jokingly called it a club. It was really just a group of moms who sat at the same table to pick up our kids everyday. On the drive, about 10-20 Maryland state troopers passed me with their lights on, and then every single overpass bridge had police or firemen lined up on it. Some of them were standing on their firetrucks, looking down on the cars on the interstate. One of the last groups had even hung up this flag. Try, as I might, I could not find out what exactly they were honoring. It was quite a display. I’d love to know what it was about.

My friends really spoiled me with all this attention. It was so much fun though. I wish I could have seen ALL my Virginia friends while I was over there, but I will have to save some of my other group reunions for next time.
Keeping up friendships is so important. People are sort of like pack animals, you know? We solidly need each other. Everyone in this post has been a huge part of my support network, and it has been so refreshing to see you all this week.

The girly balloons were a nice touch, don’t ya think? When you have all boys, you don’t get to participate in many frilly glittery events and eat pink things so much.
Now this may seem all a little frivolous and silly, especially when you see the crown picture here in a minute, but that’s not all it was, I promise. Maybe it was 50% ridiculous and 50% good solid sense. Most of the time I am extremely practical, and over the years I have paid very little attention to my own birthday. But why skip an excuse to celebrate?
I viewed my birthday as a valid excuse to schedule some fun things for myself and my family. Stacie and Amy had both already been to my new house to see me, but I had yet to go back and see them. I knew that would be a fun thing to do for all of us. Always look for reasons to make life fun. Life is so short. It is a gift we don’t want to waste “living like a thrown stone.” What is our hurry?
There are still two days left in “birthday week.” Tonight I am going to take the whole family out to eat at my favorite restaurant, which I think has something that each of them will enjoy. Tomorrow I get to go to a fun dinner event with Alan and our church friends. They are bringing in the pastor brother of the Duck Dynasty crew to speak. I have only seen that show a couple of times, so I Google-d him. It should be good. We are looking forward to that.

I hope you all have a happy weekend!
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9
Pingback: 10 Ideas for Making a Quarantine Birthday Fun - Stories of Our Boys
Thanks! It was fun, and now our whole family is watching Duck Dynasty season 9 on Amazon Prime because we had never actually watched the show. It’s funny. I have laughed hard at some of these episodes.
Aw!!! Happy happy birthday! I hope the Duck Dynasty guy was fun. I had to LOL about wondering what age you even are often. My husband asks me all the time “wait, how old am I?” or when he doesn’t ask, he tells people the wrong age (often aging himself up which um, hello). Hope the last two days of the week were spectacular!
Happy Birthday Week! And so far, Alan has not made you take down the napping picture. I see it!
I have a friend with two sons, and when Scarlet turned one, she asked me if she could make Scarlet’s birthday cake because she is a trained pastry chef and so wanted to make something frilly and girly! I love that she asked.
I love the story of the glove! How you talked about it aloud so as not to seem strange, and how happy the policeman was!
Yea! He let me keep it! Thanks. I enjoy fun encounters out in the world. Sometimes I miss the world, you know?
Happy Birthday, April! Why did I just assume you’d be celebrating this next month? :). And yes I totally get the need to go girly every now and then. I hated the color pink all my life. Then I had 5 boys. Now I can’t get enough of that rosy hue!
Ha! Yeah, everyone figures April was born in April. I wasn’t a pink person before kids either, but now I do love the occasional opportunity to be girly!
Happy birthday!! We had one birthday for my middle son we had to cancel as his friends arrived at our door. My oldest son has just been diagnosed with strep throat… I took photos of everything I had set up and laid out and luckily he was content to open his gifts (that all the party goers dropped off) and eat the food we had prepared. Glad this year went better than your 8th birthday– I still have my roller skates from the 80’s!
Aw! That actually sounds worse than my story–happening the day of!