stay-at-home mom

The Schooling at Home Support Group is Officially Open

The Schooling at Home Support Group is Officially OpenThe Schooling at Home Support Group is Officially Open

About a month ago, I asked my Facebook friends if anyone was up for starting a Virtual School/Home School support group.

More parents than ever before are at home all day with their children during the school day. Some of us are sending our kids to school for part of the week, also known as the hybrid model. Others of us are trying out the Virtual School, which does look much different than it did in the spring. Still others are opting to be fully in charge and take it all on in a home school.

Either way, this year is new and different, and for some reason I have ALWAYS found managing my children’s education to be stressful. A good support group is crucial.

We’re all miles away from each other, so why not make this a virtual Facebook group like everything else?

Thankfully, my friend and licensed counselor, Odona from Columbus, Georgia, stepped up and volunteered to run this group with me. Such a relief! Odona is more action oriented than I am. I like to get big ideas like this and then chicken out, thinking no one will want to join me. Why am I so ridiculously unconfident??? Ah well, that is not today’s problem.

Odona set up the group, and now we are running with it. The group has been open for only a few days, and we already have over a hundred members. Come join us!

Here is how you can join our group and what we will have to offer.

Click on the “Join Group” bar below to join us. It will verify that you are a parent with a child doing school at home, and then Odona and I will get let you in. It may take us a few hours, but don’t worry, we both check our Facebook group notifications there frequently.

Schooling At Home
Private group · 110 members
Join Group
This group is intended to be a support group for parents with children doing virtual school and for those homeschooling their children. Basically for…

What to Expect in our Group

We want this to be a place where we can be encouraged through a shared experience. You can expect occasional videos, but mostly we will do discussions about home school and virtual school. This is not a political group at all. We are not looking to debate the government’s response to the pandemic or world peace. But I mean, of course, we do all want world peace…Instead, this is a place for practical day-to-day life struggles related to virtual/hybrid/home school. Call it what you want, we are here to spur one another on.

You can vent about the struggles, share what has worked for you, pray for each other, and cheer each other on. We will also be posting helpful articles, videos, photos, and courses that I find online. Our group members are all invited to share helpful information they find, tips and tricks, and ask questions as well.

I hope you will join us!


April is an upbeat, Christian, blog-obsessed, military wife, and home schooling mom of four little boys. She writes about education, travel, and humorous adventures in parenting. Follow along if you’d like a little bit of encouragement and a whole lot of crazy.

View Comments

  • That is very very cool. If you see me wanting in on Facebook, let me in, please!! I think we all really need this.

  • I absolutely love this idea! Our school district has offered a hybrid model which is what we have opted for, so I don't know if this group is for me. But I have a very good friend who is transitioning to a homeschooling model this year for her 9 year old twins. I am going to send her a link to the Facebook group because I think she would find lots of value in that! Thanks so much for creating such a wonderful group and for sharing at my link party!


    • Thanks! It is such an unprecedented year. We have lots of hybrid model moms in our group too, so you are welcome to join us if you find yourself needing it.

  • Look at you & Odona, making this happen! Good luck to all! My kids are 13 and 17 so I'm trying to stay out of it as much as I can. But I'll probably be joining your group and another virtual happy hour somewhere after Day 4 of our school year, Lol.

  • I saw your link on the Happy Now Blog link up. This is a great idea! We all need support with the new version of school. Way to make it happen!

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