2nd Grade Virtual School: What It’s Really Like

We are now on our third day of virtual school. There are four scholars in our house, and the youngest is a second grader. Do you want to know what it’s really like? It is actually quite hilarious.
I cannot even imagine what it must look like in kindergarten or first grade! How are teachers and parents doing this???
In order to maintain a healthy mind, you have to approach the whole thing with a gigantic sense of humor and absurdly low expectations. I am telling you. It is the only way we will survive it. You have to find the humor.

Things I Said This Week:
“No no no, you are not hiding under the table. If you were in school in person, they would see your face there too. You will be fine. Get in your seat.”
Thankfully, the hiding under his desk behavior only happened that first morning..
“JD, you can’t just go into the kitchen to eat snacks during class. Put that down and get back over there.”
“Augh!! JD, go put a shirt on! Quick Oh my gosh!!”
“JD, why aren’t you over here in your seat? Your class is still going on. You can pet the dog later.”
“You know they can see you, right?”
“That distracting, JD. Sit still and listen, just like in real school.”
“JD! Put the Creeper down. You are being so distracting. John David! Cut it out!”
“Why are all the grandparents on the screen asking questions? What site are you supposed to be going to? Do you know how? I don’t either. Here, move over. Okay, just go play with Daniel. I will call you when I figure this out.”

Watching the virtual 2nd grade classroom is equally amusing.
Many of the kids are being kept and helped by their grandparents. As you can imagine, they are not used to using this technology either. So you see all these sweet heads of white hair pop into the screen.
“I don’t see that link. I only see boxes.”
“Her mom only gave me the one link to use, and we just use that. If you want her to use something else, can you please send that link to her mother?”
The kids without a helper, including JD sometimes, just sit there and look at the screen like, “Eh, I don’t know what they’re talking about. Where’s my blanket?”
Kids in the class say, “I don’t see that on my screen”
“What are we supposed to be doing?”
And of course, my personal favorite…
“When is this class over?”
“After this class is over, are we done for the day?”
Y’all! Second grade is hilarious. I hope the school’s hopes aren’t up too high for *accomplishing things*. Ha!
Now this is just the funny parts.
Transitioning to virtual school has truly been a huge challenge with all their different computers, personalities, classes, and schedules. The third day of school is actually the FIRST day that zero tears were shed. But don’t worry. The boys are fine. All tears were my tears. I reserve my right to be an overwhelmed cryer…
We are going to make it, y’all, and we would love to hear your funny virtual school stories too. I know you got ’em! Share your own stories with us in the comment section below!
Oh! Let me tell you what just happened. Ha!!!
I stopped by the office desk to check on our fourth grader. He was laying down in his desk chair with his computer screen facing the CEILING. So I walked in and said, “Oh my gosh!!! What are you doin’??”
Then I pointed the computer screen right at him and made him sit up. Daniel was a little embarrassed, but he grinned sheepishly and said, “My mic was not muted. They all saw that and are laughing at me.” He knew he was wrong anyway. We moved him over to a softer place to sit on the sofa, and he got back on track.
Pssst! If you are even doing part time virtual or home school this year, you are welcome to join our support group on Facebook! You can find that here. We’d love to have you! I hope you are all able to find the humor this week too.
haha! We had a masked meet the teacher morning and she was saying how she doesn’t expect so much, because at this age, they’re super not screen savvy. And that’s good. Des tried to wear pajamas to meet her and I had to put my foot down. This is in person, Des!! Oh brother. We start Wednesday.
Isn’t it funny how feral they’ve gotten? Like real clothes, what?? They couldn’t possibly. lol
I couldn’t stop laughing at this! Especially that last story. Oh the joys of virtual school. 😂
hehehe! Glad you got some laughs. Currently, his math teacher is talking about adding doubles. He’s got that down, so he’s bored and wandering around my kitchen. “JD, go back to your seat!!”
Is that a new table JD is using in the living room? Looks a lot like the one Mom ordered yesterday from BBB. Great deal…32 inch square WOODEN card table for under $100!
Sorry if this posted more than once.
Is that a new table JD is using? Mom ordered a wood folding table from BBB yesterday and it was under $100! Pretty wooden card table 32 inch square.
We forgot we had that. Alan put it back together. It’s a nice dining table, seats four. We cornered it to make a desk. It was in our basement guest/playroom in Virginia.
This is hilarious! Just keep us laughing…
This is a riot… and mostly what I thought it would look like! My sister has a kindergarten and second grader and pulled them to homeschool for now until school resumes normally as their first day virtual was a mess… they got a message that someone would be online at 3:30 to do one or two fun lessons with her kindergartner but they had no one or nothing planned for the rest of the day. Her daughter has difficultly reading but all assigned work was on grade level with no help for reading… I think, like you’ve mentioned, that all this needs to be taken with a whole lot of humor and low expectations. Heck my high schooler has been in the building for two weeks (he’ll transition to distance learning soon for a few weeks while other grades are in the building) and I have been so incredibly thankful to hear at least a few times that the school is more concerned with the social/emotional needs of the kids right now than academics too and that everyone should just try their best because honestly between the two of us neither one of us is very tech savvy. I’m going to be like those gray haired ladies but I’ll be asking teachers to send the link to my husband! LOL
hehe Thanks! These are such crazy times to be a parent or an educator…or a student. I feel like every single day looks different here. There are always issues and squirmy boys.