Life in 2021: The Podcast, The Decorated Trashcan, & They Say it’s Not the Covid.
Poor Alan. He is legit running a hospital here this weekend. Don’t worry. It is not the COVID, according to two tests at our local urgent care center.
And yet, Alan and Daniel are the only two still standing. It starts as a scratchy throat, then it is sore. Snot kicks in, and for Caleb and me there is a cough. You can see why we worried it was covid or strep, but it is not.
I have been up half the night coughing for four days now, and it feels like I keep getting worse. I think I am currently fighting off bronchitis.
So yeah, we have been better. I have spent a great deal of 2021 sickly.

I know you did not come here to read about our medical problems, though, and we are waaaaaaaay overdue for an update-on-life post, so let’s just do that.
Quite a few things have happened since last we talked.

1.) I got to be on my first podcast. FUN!!!!!
My podcast episode is already recorded, but it is not published yet. Or wait, if it is a podcast, do they say published, or more like released? Anyway, you can rest assured I will be letting you know on here and all my social medias when it is available.
What in the world was I on a podcast for, you ask? Raising boys? Army life? Moving expert?
Haha! No!!! Wedding dresses!!!!
I once wrote this article about my fascination with wedding dresses. The funny thing is that when I looked back through this blog I discovered that I have actually blogged about wedding dresses several times. It is the ultimate pretty dress, okay?
So there is this podcast channel that is devoted to all things wedding gowns! It is called Choosing Your Reflection.
In the show, I got to talk about exactly what you’d expect, my wedding dress, what it meant to me, and the tragedy that eventually befell the dress. Granted, this channel may be a little girly for some of my readers (*cough* Dad), but I thought it was a fun thing to be a part of. Check out their channel here, and keep an eye out for when my interview is released!

#2. Glorious surprise that’s also kind of funny:

Now in our defense, there are TWO trashcans in the photo, even though you only see one well. You see? If it were put up properly, it would not stick out like a sore thumb.
The boys usually handle trash duty, but two days ago I had a bag I actually took out to the can myself, and I was delightfully surprised by this row of hot pink azaleas lining the trash can spot on the side of our house.
I love how beauty can thrill the soul, and pick you up when you are suffering from not-the-COVID. But then there is also a hilarious out of place trashcan to say….there’s always real life stuff to deal with, like trash.
#3. On days when I did not feel like I was resting on death’s doorstep from not-the-COVID, I have been ORGANIZING.


I literally just now noticed the blue post-it note on the mirror. Ha! I don’t even know if I did that or John David.
Yes, it would look better without the masks and Alan’s running gear, but you see those are daily use items. Empty hooks may be prettier, but we are in a phase of life where we actually NEED to use the hooks.
P.S. The storage bin part of it is now minus about ten hats and three purses. Plus, I even cleaned out the purses.
Organizing is my happy place.
Just imagine how organized my house would be if I did not have people to take care of. When I was a kid, I used to regularly re-alphabetize and group my book collection over and over again. There is something about having this one small space that you can feel hyper-in-control of.
You know why? I think it is because most of life is completely out of our control. One never knows when one will get sick with COVID or not-the-Covid. Fires, moves, sick family members, job changes, rain, consequences of decisions….You never know what will show up on your doorstep on any given day. Sure, you hope it’s just your Amazon package, but some days it’s more like a pesky sales person who talks you into buying something you did not even want!
We are trying our best though.
Some exciting things were accomplished in April. I got myself a Good Housekeeping magazine subscription, completely cleaned out two kitchen drawers and four cabinets, and re-organized the entire living room. Next time maybe I will post some more before and after photos of all that!!
I had this giant box all ready to collect donations for Goodwill, but instead I ended up filling up like three bags of trash. Most of what we were keeping was completely useless.
Hmmm…trash just keeps coming up today.
In fact, if you come over and catch this not-the-Covid from me, you too can feel like trash.
I’m super happy about how much decluttering was accomplished though, and there are about ten Target bags full of donation items in the garage now.
#4. How did I get on this whole donating/tossing things kick?
One day, back before I got sick again, I was feeling bummed. That’s a feeling I’ve gone back and forth with for a while now. The year of rona was not helpful for mental health.
Anyway, I was in the laundry room, feeling especially uninspired by my daily tasks. I cracked open my computer, which I rarely even use lately. Then I went to YouTube because they make a video for everything these days.
In the You Tube search bar, I typed in “How to better manage your time as a mom and house keeper.” (or something like that)
This came up:
She is called the Minimal Mom. Decluttering and getting rid of tons of stuff is something all Army families do over and over and over again, but it has piled up on me, and I needed to do this again. I find her very relatable. She also has four children, so I knew her advice would make sense to me!
I loved her “decide on one most important goal for each day” rule.
#5. One last funny!
Alan took Daniel and JD camping, and this is a little snapshot of the inside of John David’s suitcase. This isn’t even all of it, but it’s just so funny what a seven-year-old boy thinks is important to pack.

Also, y’all, there’s a Bible in there because this boy is a man with a plan. His current plan is that he is going to go to seminary after high school, be a pastor, and live down the street from me in Alabama, where I will also go to his church. That really gets you in the feels, doesn’t it? I mean I’m not too sure his future wife will love the idea of living down the street from us, but I plan to be on my best behavior so as not to prevent this dream from coming true!! Love it!!!
So life in 2021 has its ups and downs as usual.
What year doesn’t? The boys are sort of enjoying being back in school. One of them stayed home, but he will go back in the fall.
If we can just all get well, I feel like things are about to get good. I have fun things planned for the summer.
Don’t forget to catch me on the podcast at Choosing Your Reflection! I will let you know when it becomes available! Y’all, stay healthy! After a year at home, I don’t think our immune systems are as awesome as they were before.
Such a fun article to read, April. Thank you! I remember when our 4 children were young. And my aunt and uncle would come for a surprise visit. We would always cringe when they visited, as their home was always “perfect”. They always said they came to visit us, and not our home.
Organizing and decluttering has been something I’ve been working away at during COVID. We have been in the same house for 30 years. Finally now that non-essential stores are reopening, thrift stores are finally now accepting donations. And I can clear some stuff away.
Such cool future plans for your 7 year old! 🙂
So nice to catch up with you, friend. Hope everyone is feeling better by now. I am way behind on my blog reading and not doing much better on my blog writing. But starting to catch up again now.
Great job on the organizing and decluttering around the hall tree. Such a pretty piece of furniture, too. Now you can see how pretty it is!! We enter and exit our house through the garage and so I have a hook with masks by our garage door. I also have my spring/summer purses in a basket there. But I forget to change my purse out so could probably move that basket!
Bravo on your first podcast. I am back to listening to podcasts again so will be anxious to give you a listen.
Oh, your azaleas are beautiful!
Thank you.
That suitcase it hilarious! I love to clean- out, declutter, and organize things too; it’s the vacuum, dusting, washing housework I am very neglectful of lately.
Yes, those are so much less fun!
Joanne, I need your website address! I want to visit you, but I can’t remember it.
JD’s suitcase – that is too funny! Did he plan to work out while they were there? Sorry you guys are sick – hopefully you are able to get some rest and recover soon. I’m inspired by your decluttering….the hall tree looks great. Except for all the masks. Stupid COVID. I can’t wait to see more before and afters!!!
Oh – and a podcast! Very cool!
He totally planned to work out. So funny. Yes! More pics to come since I’m stuck sitting down to get well.