A New Blog for a New Phase

You can now find me at my new blog: gettingmyacttogether.com.
It’s still the same me, talking about many of the same things, just less “stories of our boys” and more stories of organizing, decluttering, moving, Army life, and always learning. I hope you’ll join me over there!

I’ve also started a YouTube series about getting the house ready to sell and moving. So far all of the videos have been about decluttering and organizing. We are moving again this summer. I thought if I have any expertise in ANYTHING, it is definitely about all things related to moving. So I’m doing my best to share my years of moving/PCS/home selling knowledge in this video series.
Thank you for all your support over my years on Stories Of Our Boys!
I have left up all of the resourceful posts and taken down most of the really personal ones about the kids, per their request.
So many of you stuck with me through all these years of blogging and figuring out what in the world I was doing and learning how to create a website. I cannot tell you how much your support means to me!!

Thank you so much! Please head on over to my new website and check it out.