About Us

Mostly, I write stories you can relate to about the craziness that is raising four boys while moving all over the U.S. of A. as a military family.
These are a couple of my more recent articles about parenting through the pandemic:
15 Helpful Websites and Apps for Your Quarantine Home School
10 Ways to Make a Quarantine Birthday Fun

photo by Amber Townsend
If you’re looking for encouragement in your walk with God, start here. I love to talk about applying faith to our everyday lives.
Jerusalem in Pictures: Golgotha, Where Jesus was Crucified
10 Facts You Never Knew About the Early Church
Me Time, or God Time? Juice or Milk?
Do you ever wonder about what kind of archaeological evidence exists from the places and people of the Bible?
There are so many archaeological finds that help us affirm our faith and learn more about the way people lived long ago. If you are interested in ancient proofs of the Bible, here are a few posts you can find here on that:
How the Sumerian King List Relates to the Bible
Oh, and I should mention that we love markers:
I hope our stories will make you smile. I don’t think there’s anything funnier than raising children!
“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:18
Body Ministry is a passion of mine. Encouraging others within the Body of Christ to use the gifts the Holy Spirit has given them to make the Body of Christ complete with Christ as the Head is a teaching not often expressed.
With that in mind and because I follow your site and within the last several month have found inspiration, encouragement and/or instruction from your site, I am publishing the link to your site on my “Blogs Followed” page. You need do nothing in return, this is part of my ministry TO the Body of Christ. If however, you would rather not your link/site be associated with mine, please feel free to let me know and I will remove the link, no questions asked, no hurt feelings.
In the meantime, my prayer for you and your ministry (service to others and the Lord) is that you will be continually blessed with insight, creativity and abundant blessings from the Holy Spirit as you continue in your ministry!!
Thank you so much, Roland! I think I did see this when you wrote it, like 9 months ago, and I just realized I forgot to respond. I’m honored, though. Thank you! I have enjoyed the great work that you do on your site.
Hello Stories ofour boys Editor,
I hope you’re doing great!
I’ve got few guest post topics that you may like to publish on your website, here:
1. A Healthy Timetable For Your Teen boy: 5 Fun Activities!
2. 7 Thanksgiving Gifts The Whole Family Can Enjoy
3. 6 Creative Birthday Gift Ideas For Your Best Friend, Make Their Day Special!
4. 7 Healthy Games That You Must Play Even If You Are Out Of Your Teens
I am certain your audience would love reading about it.
Would you like to have a look at it please?
In the case, you’re not satisfied with the topics mentioned above, I can write on any other topic of your choice.
Hey April,
Sorry for the random email. My name’s Sarah and I’m a freelance writer (well, trying to be!). Right now, I’m a regular contributor over at a site called Sleep Advisor.
I’m writing to you because I’m new to the world of blogging and I was wondering if I could contribute an article on your site? The exposure on Stories of Our Boys would be amazing for my writing journey.
I love writing articles that are sleep related and know I could come up with a few post ideas your readers would love.
Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll send over some of my ideas 🙂
What do you say? Either way, thanks for reading my email.
– Sarah
Hey, I’m Emily from Personic, would you like a free Facebook Chatbot powered by your own post?
Personic has developed a WordPress plug-in that allows you to have your content distributed in Facebook Messenger, as a chatbot.
There are 1.2bn people subscribed to Facebook Messenger, I’m sure loads of them would like (website’s) content.
To get your free plug-in for “Post to Chatbot” please go to https://wordpress.org/plugins/chatbot-for-facebook/#description
I will love to hear your feedback.
Warm Regards,
Emily Martins
Hey April,
I’m launching a product on Amazon.com next week that has been very successful in Canada and I hope to get some buzz going in the States. Along with my wife and daughter, I’ve created a children’s cookbook that gets kids in the kitchen younger than any cookbook out there. We do this by illustrating all the steps in our recipes and including colored measuring cups and spoons with the book. Now instead of a ½ cup of flour, or a ¼ cup of sugar, it’s an orange cup and a yellow cup.
We have 25 kid-friendly recipes in the book and can start kids as young as two years old in the kitchen.
If you think this would be a good fit with you and your readers, please let me know. I’d be happy to get you a complimentary copy and discuss the specifics of writing a post about it.
Brent Currie
Cook By Colours
Brent, I’d love to do it. Just email me at storiesofourboys@gmail.com.
We are a music production company and we have written and produced a vast
amount of children’s songs, e.g. for THE SMURFS, PADDINGTON BEAR, RUPERT
BEAR, BABAR, SPOT, TROLLS, DINOSAURS, etc. etc. I’ve attached some info on
our company, Sunroof Music.
A few weeks ago, we started our own YouTube channel, KIDZMIXFLIX
(https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOibz8_iVyxgcxi45ikvTew), as we wanted
to share our first music videos to the world. We are now uploading
DINOMIX, 12 clips about the history of the dinosaurs with in between each
song a semi-educational explanation about the dinosaur in the next song.
Also attached some DINOMIX info.
Once DINOMIX is completely uploadied, we’ll start releasing ANIMAL MIX,
part 1, A JUNGLE PARTY, 13 episodes, with lots more to follow!
I know that we need hundreds of thousands of subscribers (by the way, my
congratulations to you for doing so incredibly well!!) and I understand
that we have to look for sites, blogs, channels, mums, dads, grandparents
and kids that are interested to share our content.
I sincerely hope that you will let everybody know about KIDZMIXFLIX and
that you all become subscribers to our channel. IT’S FREE!!
Looking forward to hearing from you.
With best wishes,
Frans Erkelens
P.S., I’m sure you’ll understand that I need loads and loads of viewers and subscribers and as you can see that this channel is totally harmless and on the other hand educational and funny, I sincerely hope that you’ll be able to help me! Thanks a lot in advance!!
Sorry I am contacting you through Facebook; I could not find the (Contact) on your blog
I am a student at Concordia University, Montreal Canada and I am running a personal blog in Social Media course assignment. My blog is from my personal life; I will compare what I (the husband) do for the family and what the wife does
I have realized that the wife’s work is much greater than the husband’s, and that her contributions are greatly underappreciated
The challenge is that I found the problem, and I raised some questions like (Is this fair?) and (Can this situation be changed? And how?), but I have no clue as to how to answer them
I saw your blog and I like it a lot and, since it is older than mine, I was wondering if you could accept my humble invitation to appear on my blog as a Guest Blogger. If you do, I can send you a few questions and you could send the answers in any form you like; text, audio, or video, and it will be my privilege to post them on my blog
Alternatively, you may want to share your thoughts on this subject (like previous posts or articles you may already have) and I will gladly post them
This help will be greatly appreciated
Thank you and have a great day
Amad Erman
PS: if you are curious, my questions would be something like this:
1- What is your point of view on this subject; compare the husband’s and wife’s roles in the home, especially the stay-at-home mom
2- Do you believe that wife’s role is underappreciated?
3- Do you believe this (general-consensus) or (popular belief) can be changed? If yes, how? And if not, is there anything that can be done?
4- As you can see, I am only interested in your thoughts on this matter
Hey April, Love your blog! I grew up traveling with the military too, so I can relate to a ton of stuff! I wanted to drop by and leave you a note about how I save my memories in photobooks now. (This would have been great when I was growing up … but smartphones weren’t really a thing then!)
Have you tried Chatbooks? They’re a photo book app for iPhone or Android (finally something for us android users!) that can pull pictures from your Instagram, Facebook, or camera roll. It’s only $8 a book and they give away your first book free. Also, they’re running a promo that if you refer 5 people, you’ll get 5 YEARS worth of books for free!
If you’re interested, please use my referral link: http://invite.chatbooks.com/eloquencena8sn
April, it is a pleasure to meet you. I hope we can still be blogging pals despite our SEC rivalry. I’m an LSU Tiger! 😀 I love your About page, and I”ll be following your blog. May blessings abound!
Haha! Yeah, I noticed that LSU bit too, but since I am just now returning to the South after 7 years of living all over the country, I actually was happy to see a fellow SEC’er. 😉
Hi, April, and thanks for dropping by. Your boys are lovely! Pleased to meet you, Marina
Hope you are doing great Job.
I am looking for some advertising opportunities and impressed with the quality of your blog storiesofourboys.com I was wondering if you allow Sponsored Posts and In-Content Text Link ad placement on your blog. Can you please let me know with the price you charge for per post and In-Content link placement?
Looking for your kind reply.
Best Regards,
Muhammad Sufian
We are gearing up for our awesome consignment sale February 19-29 and wondered if you might be interested in blogging about our event. We recently won Top Sale in the Triangle and got ranked in the Top Ten Sales in the Nation by ConsignmentMommies! Super exciting! There are tons of reasons why we did so well in the competition ranging from unique niches in the world of consignment to strong community involvement and we’d love you to tell your readers about us! If you are interested, we could exchange early preview shopping privileges in advance of the hordes! Please let me know if you’d like some info and I’ll forward you lots of details! Look forward to hearing from you!
Beth Pendola
I’m impressed: the boys, your enthousiasm, cooking and homeschooling, bible-reading ! to my mind exceptional but very USA (very non- European).. Thanks for following my blog, will be dropping in on yours 🙂
I really like this new look, or at least it’s a new look for me (I tend to fall behind sometimes). The pictures are awesome, and everyone looks really happy (even the youngest in the “happy” paint). I believe siblings only paint their younger relatives that they really care an awful lot about, since it’s a way of leaving their mark of implied protection for anyone who crosses the youngsters path. Of course I’m making this all up, but that’s what us would-be fiction writers do when people invite us to leave comments and we can’t think of anything else to say. How about, “Have a happy, and blessed summer. Enjoy yourselves, and stay safe.”
Ha! I like that theory. Thank you! I hope you had a great summer too!
You have been tagged! https://thejoyofmomming.wordpress.com/2015/08/11/10-things-about-me/
Oh! Thank you!
Thanks so much for liking our post! Checked out your blog and is a great read!! Love your blog and would love to learn more from you too! 🙂
I nominated you for the Encouraging Thunder Award. You can see the nomination here: https://litmamahomeschool.wordpress.com/2015/06/03/encouraging-thunder-award/. You can read about the award here:http://encouraginglife.co/about/encouraging-life-blog-awards/. Thanks so much for all you do.
Hi April!
Thanks for following my blog 🙂 Your blog is so precious, I LOVE it!!! I just read your recent post and see that you also do Classical Conversations. We are praying about registering our daughter. I would love to pick your brain about it as we are brand new to the classical teaching method. We have been using Charlotte Mason and more of an eclectic style the past few years. Hopefully, the Parent Practicum this week will be able to address most of my questions 🙂 Looking forward to hearing more stories of your boys 😉
If you’re already home schooling, then you are light years ahead of where I was at the beginning of this year! This was our first year of CC, and it is a LOT to take in, at first. I love how much we learned though. I wrote an article for first time CCers that I think you might find helpful: https://storiesofourboys.com/2015/05/05/14-tips-for-your-first-year-of-classical-conversations/ Those are all my best tips–many learned the hard way. 🙂
Hi I have nominated you for the Liebster Award………….if you need to link to my page for it this is my Liebster post!!! https://homeschoolingcapers.wordpress.com/2015/05/18/liebster-award-and-answers/
Ooo Thank you! I feel honored!
I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Bloggers Award! https://therattlingbones.wordpress.com/2015/05/07/more-nominations/
Thank you!!!
Hi there and thanks for the follow! What a beautiful family you have…:)
It’s a pleasure to get to know you and your lovely family. I enjoyed my visit to your blog and look forward to many more. Hugs!
Hi April! I’m so pleased that you took the courage of following an amateur blogger like me 🙂 Thanks so much.
You have a georgous family. Looking forward to learn more homeschooling techniques from your blog. God bless!
I love finding new homeschool blogs, Meanne! Thanks for stopping by and for you kind words! Happy Easter!
Thanks so much for following our blog! Checked out your blog and is really amazing and inspiring! Love it!
Thanks! I found your site today when I went on the hunt for good homeschool blogs! Happy to have found you!
Beautiful blog and family! I really like your faith story and how dedicated and loving your are with your family. Thank you so much for following me at wildflowermom.com
You are an inspiration!
Thank you! Those are exactly the things I liked about your site! 🙂
Beautiful family!!
Thank you!
Thanks for the follow! I look forward to reading about your little boys- they all look so sweet. 🙂 Your blog is just lovely, April.
Thank you! I look forward to reading more of yours as well!
I don’t see a place to follow your blog but I would like to. I’m comp challenged.
Aw! It is harder now that I’m “self-hosted.” I have all the icons for following on social media, but I need a WordPress one badly!
Your family is sooooo cute 🙂
I am a psychologist, so anytime you want you can reach me:
from twitter or my blog
I will be glad to help/listen etc.
Take care and keep on 🙂
Hi April, gorgeous blog!!! Looks like a very happy place to be 😀 Thanks so much for stopping by and following… always a treat meeting fab new bloggers to interact with, really looking forward to your future posts 🙂 Karen x
Thank you!! You have a great blog as well. I’m glad I found ya!
I liked the outlook of your blow and your about post so much that I already want to nominate you for the award of a very inspiring blog 🙂 You are free to accept this award. http://lucinda408.wordpress.com/2014/12/02/thank-you-rachel/
sorry should be blog not blow 🙂
I’m a little late, but THANK YOU!!!
Lovely family!
Thank you, Lucinda!
Hi There! how do we contact you, I am a company rep that would like to see if you would be willing to review our product.
You can email me at storiesofourboys@gmail.com. Thanks!