How to Make Over Your Morning, Night Owl Style

9 years ago

As I mentioned before, I signed up for the Make Over Your Morning Course by Crystal Paine, of I…

The Technical Wedding Vows We Should Have Made

9 years ago

We have officially been married for 13 years. I don't remember our exact wedding vows, but we believe that when…

What to Do to Overcome Evil With Good Today

9 years ago

To begin with, I will say that no one ever said overcoming evil is easy. This has been an exhausting…

My Outline for Science Plans for CC Cycle 1 (Part 1)

9 years ago

I feel like I will have an extremely firm grasp on my science plan by the time I finish poring…

VBS and Art Camp. Ready or not, we are doing this.

9 years ago

This is the big week, the BIG BIG week. The boys are going to Vacation Bible School, at our very…

The 1 Thing All the ‘Gurus’ Don’t Want You to Know, Guest Post by Fitness Blogger Justin Cox

9 years ago

This post is written by Justin Cox, BS Exercise Science, CSCS, strength coach and down to earth, no-nonsense fitness blogger.…

Dirt boy does not wish to go to the potty.

9 years ago

JD is the definition of "all boy". He requires 2 baths and 3 sponge-downs/day. He plays in dirt, sand, mud,…

Dan and JD Present this Mighty Mighty Giveaway!

9 years ago

Last month we were on vacation, staying at my parent's house, aka Nana and Granddaddy. Nana's table requires a tablecloth.…

A California Summer is THE BEST kind of summer!

9 years ago

That's quite a claim to make isn't it? THE BEST? Is it really the best? Surely something is better. I…

School Planning Time! Story of the World History plans are in the works.

9 years ago

It is 2:30. Nobody mess this up. JD is sleeping. Dan is voluntarily in his room building something with Lego…