The 11th Park Tribe: The Archaeologists

10 years ago

"Bring on the summer," they say. This group of boys is so adorable, and this is just a few. There's…

Mom’s Night Out: Movie Review

10 years ago   Last night Alan and I booked a babysitter and went to see the new movie "Mom's Night Out."…

Date Night Tonight!!!

10 years ago

Well, it finally happened. JD is crawling. And as promised, here are two photos of the event. In other news,…

Learning to Crawl

10 years ago

I am proud to announce that JD finally made tiny crawl movements FORWARD today, on several occasions.  He's been on…

Living Everywhere, We Have Learned that the People Make the Place

10 years ago

Caleb's remarkably good drawing of Elephant and Piggy, of the Mo Willems books. Elephant says, "I'm scared." I thought this…

Aren’t you going to wear the hat?

10 years ago

This year was, by far, the most fun I have ever had on Mother's Day, as a mom.  It wasn't…

Why Daniel Will Never Be “in Charge” Again

10 years ago

  We found this the other day.  Hey, he fully understands what to do with shaving cream, I will say…

Motherhood: The Job That Never Ends.

10 years ago

Right at this very moment, the baby is asleep upstairs, and Alan took all of the other boys with him…

Keppra Caleb: Dealing with Childhood Epilepsy

10 years ago

 I firmly believe that God often prepares us for future events.  Ever since college, I have witnessed lots of different…

East Coast to West Coast in Only 6 Weeks!

10 years ago

planning, planning, planning! So much has happened this past week.  Once our military orders arrived, all systems are GO, GO,…