Why You Should Absolutely Go See the Bible Museum

Right next to the long window on the 6th floor I found this exhibit of antiquities from Israel. This long-term exhibit is called History and Archaeology of Ancient Israel,
» Read moreRight next to the long window on the 6th floor I found this exhibit of antiquities from Israel. This long-term exhibit is called History and Archaeology of Ancient Israel,
» Read moreWe lived in D.C. (both inside and outside the Beltway) for 5 years, and during that time we always had at least 2 preschoolers, sometimes 3. If it wasn’t at the ‘Space Museum’ or the ‘Dinosaur Museum’, we couldn’t stay long. Art museums were terrifying to even attempt with them, so like most parents, we just didn’t. One year I sent the boys to stay with their grandparents for a week, and I had the rare opportunity to wander the […]
» Read moreI can see why Bible journaling is so popular right now. You can express yourself, learn scriptures, and create a visual in your mind that helps you learn your Bible better, all through Bible journaling. It’s definitely something worth trying out.
» Read moreToday I want to talk about creativity. When I was a child, it was greatly celebrated, but I was never so sure that I actually possessed any of this creativity stuff. There were only two subjects I disliked in school: P.E. (We’ve talked about this) and Art. Yep. I never liked Art. I love to admire other people’s artwork. I would just rather not make any myself. Sure, I write all the time. Non-fiction. All of my work is simply […]
» Read moreThis week is our Spring Break. Wahoo! That’s something to celebrate! I have about 5 billion goals to accomplish and all of 5 days to do it in. Mostly, we are prepping for the big move. It’s three months out, but hey, that’s like three weeks in Mom years. I could tell you what’s been going on around here, but I thought it’d be more fun to show you, so today’s blog is a photoblog: What happens is that […]
» Read moreWe had a surprisingly fun day of school today at Ants in Our Pants Elementary School! 🙂 We introduced all of our new memory work for the week, and then we spent about half an hour on reviewing work from past weeks. I’ve been wanting to do this game that’s been floating in my head for weeks, and we finally did it today! The Review Olympics!! It’s more like a centers relay race, only I had the boys do it […]
» Read moreHe takes about 10 steps a day, but he still crawls most of the time. Apparently JD is a gradual, gradual, gradual learner. 🙂 My life is seriously adorable at the moment, and I am so thankful. It is a TON of work though. We bust our rears on this whole parenting gig. We were hoping to go to Moss Landing today and check out the whales. But not so fast. My friend Sarah found a used fence for sale […]
» Read moreOf course, I have taken way, way too many pictures of California to squeeze them all into one post, especially with slow wi-fi, so I’m breaking this post into two parts. Today we will focus on the desert, mountains, and agricultural regions, and my next post will feature the coast. I know, that next part sounds like a lot more fun, but the mountains have their own beauty, so hang with me. When we first entered California, on I-40, which […]
» Read moreJD’s first move— He seems to be having a pretty good time. Today Alan and I kissed our children good-bye and set back out–alone this time–on our big cross-country road trip. It’s really been fun so far. Over the last few days I have gotten to visit both sides of our families, swim in the backyard pool with my two oldest boys, celebrate JD’s first birthday, visit a Pioneer Museum in Alabama, and even revisit the University of Alabama campus, […]
» Read moreWho knew I would ever be so excited about a label maker? I have big plans for this thing. Alan also got me this beautiful necklace. Love it! This past week I turned 33. That makes me stop and ask, “Am I where I wanted to be at 33?” Yes, definitely, plus some! I never counted on having all these blessings, and to top it all off, I have way more direction and goals than I had 10 […]
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