Exciting Weekend Ahead: 4 Months into the Move

Our sprouts are growing. Each stalk of our beings is figuring out where the room to stretch out to the sun is. Before you know it, there will be new leaves, buds, and even flowers. Maybe we won’t even wait for spring. We’ll be like the early daffodils of late February, always showing up before you were quite expecting them.

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Of all the places, which one did you like best?

of all the places, which one did you like best?

This year we moved AGAIN. Did I mention that already? Maybe I’ve brought it up too much. Sorry about that., but moving is everything. Where you live and who you’re surrounded by, that’s your life setting. I was at the eye doctor this week because I’d run completely out of contacts and haven’t been to the eye doctor since 3 states ago. The eye doc asked me many of the usual questions, including this one: Of all those places you’ve […]

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Tour of Homes from 17 Years of Army Life

One of my favorite parts of this strange life we lead is choosing my next house. With each one, I say, “Such and such a thing is killing me. Our next house will DEFINITELY have…. -sidewalks -a bigger master bedroom closet -4 bedrooms -more kitchen cabinets!! It’s always something. I love getting to see new places and try new set-ups. I don’t even mind redecorating, though it takes so long to get a house looking the way I want it […]

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15 Beautiful, Serene Photos of Northeast Maryland

Welcome to summer in northeast Maryland! I have lived in Maryland a grand total of 3 months now. Wow, huh? Such a long time. And what is the first thing we do when we move to a new place? Unpack boxes!!! And what is the 2nd thing we do??? Explore the new place!! I have barely put a chip into my goals of exploring our new state. I haven’t even made it to the actual Chesapeake Bay yet! Don’t worry. […]

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The 10 Friends You Need at Each Duty Station

Maybe you can relate. Here are a few of my favorite kinds of friends. Which one are you? Which one am I for you? I think I’m different ones for different people, depending on their circumstances.

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