13 Wonderful Things That Are Happening at Our Homeschool

I put this list together throughout this past week. Would you believe we only have 5 WEEKS of home schooling left for this year!!?  Have you ever had a new job that just took all you had and then some? Well, that was my first year of teaching, and I cannot wait for summer!!! A lot of good things are happening right now, though. I need to keep that in mind when I’m feeling beat down! I made a little […]

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This Scripture changed my week for the better.

I had several goals for 2015. The only one I’ve made much headway on was “study Jesus in 2015.” In fact, this week I came across a commentary, on Luke 8:16, that profoundly changed my thoughts! I have never been real big on reading commentaries or even the study notes in the several study Bibles that I own. In fact, Daniel ripped out so many of the first pages of my oldest study Bible, I don’t even know what version […]

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My Victory of the Week at Yawn City Elementary

I stepped outside to take out the recycling. Joshua, Caleb, Daniel, and a neighborhood friend were all playing in and around the trees on the hill behind our house. I heard Caleb ask, “Master Joshua, how much longer do we have to train?” Gracious. Two new seven-year-old boys have moved onto our street in the past few weeks. Joshua and Caleb’s world keeps getting happier and happier. ******** Right now it’s recess time at “Yawn City Elementary School.” Daniel keeps […]

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Making Transitions and Solving Sleep Problems

I’ve been talking a lot about my hermit problem, and I want you all to know that things are getting so much better around here. The boys are finally opening up a little more at tutoring. I had to practically drag them away from there today! Even John David doesn’t cry when I drop him off for the tutoring childcare! We have all met plenty of people that we truly like, and the fact is that I haven’t met one single […]

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One Does Not Simply Take Four Boys to the Beach

One does not simply take 4 boys to the beach

When we first moved to California, I was so EXCITED!!!  I live within 10 minutes of beaches, swimming pools, hiking, an aquarium, glory, glory, glory!!! This is going to be FUN. We are going to take exciting field trips all the time, I thought. We are going to be pros at this. The boys will get to see how the beach is different every time you go. We went to the store and purchased wet suits. We had BIG plans. […]

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Book Review: Watching Seeds Grow

Every once in a while I manage to actually read a book. It honestly doesn’t happen that often. Jumping into my first year of home schooling with a 3rd grader, a 2nd grader, a 3 year old, and a one-year-old has proved to be QUITE the time consuming challenge. Therefore, any book that claims my time must offer something of value. This book, Watching Seeds Grow, “a guide to entrepreneurship for parents and children,” by Keith Greer and Peter Greer, […]

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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Book, Movie, and Field Trip

I finally hit upon a CHAPTER book that the boys love enough to read, even without me. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I wish I had read it when I was a kid. It’s so good! Funny, yes, but also FULL of great life lessons. Joshua and Caleb give it all their thumbs up. I would love to say that I timed it on purpose to coincide with our CC group’s Chocolate Factory Tour field trip…..but no. It was just […]

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Notes on Transitioning to Leading by Influence

My favorite points from chapter 2 of this book: 1. The second chapter includes a quiz to help you evaluate where your child currently stands in the scheme of things, on a scale from off-course all the way up to healthy and right on track.  The quiz did give me some ideas for things to work on and reassurance for what we do right. You’ll have to buy the book for that. 😉  Here’s the link to amazon. You’re welcome. […]

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On Becoming Preteen Wise: April’s Notes, Chapter 1

I had an unusually hard day at Pacific Christian Academy today with my handsome and intelligent tween, so I’m finally getting around to writing this post. I came across this book this summer. Alan’s parents were moving, and Nonna let me go through the books she was going to give away. She has the best books! When I came across this one I stopped in my tracks. “parenting your child from eight to twelve years,” the book reads, under the […]

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New 1st/2nd Grade Reading Plan

I mentioned in my last home schooling post that my first grader is struggling a little with reading. I also mentioned that he started off really well, but now he’s crumbling. In fact, he pretends like he’s going to sleep when he is reading to me from his “reading book”. What changed? Well, the first week of school, you have the excitement factor going for you, so there’s that. However, I think it’s more than that here. Caleb doesn’t enjoy […]

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