
The Bonhoeffer Book & That Famous Niemoller Quote

I loved what Bonhoeffer wrote in his Advent letter of 1938 to Confessing Church leaders. I love it because the…

7 years ago

How do we know the Bible is reliable? Why do you believe it?

If someone asked you why you believe the Bible, would you know what to tell them?? How do you know…

7 years ago

A Letter from the Civil War

We have managed to maintain a couple of old letters from the Civil War. Alan's family has at least one,…

8 years ago

School Planning Time! Story of the World History plans are in the works.

It is 2:30. Nobody mess this up. JD is sleeping. Dan is voluntarily in his room building something with Lego…

9 years ago

The Marvelous Lady I Met at the First White House of the Confederacy

It seems like big times in America, doesn't it? The President of the United States sang 'Amazing Grace,'at a funeral…

9 years ago

About John Smith: “Him died. Dead. Dead. Dead”

These videos crack me up. It's just so Daniel. He's "reading" a book about John Smith, the best leader that…

10 years ago