10 Random Thoughts from an Exhausted Mom (It was a long day.) 1. How many boys, ages 9 down to…
John David handles change about as well as I do. I've been talking a lot about my hermit problem, and…
Sometimes I wondered if my life would become less interesting as my children get older and "more mature." BAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Nope.…
This boy has loved this third or fourth hand Nursery Rhymes book until it has completely fallen apart. The adorable-ness…
We are packing for a nine day trip. Don't worry. No one can rob us. While we are gone, we…
My friend Mary is stepping in today to weigh in on this hot trend: the Elf on the Shelf. We…
The morning hour was going extremely, unusually, unbelievably well today. No one was talking over anyone. No one was saying,…
One of the curriculum 'thoughts for the day' this week will be: "Little strokes fell great oaks." I am loving…
How cute are they, eating together at the picnic table? JD stole this show, but tonight let's talk about Dan.…
You know those days where you just feel like.......BLEH. I'm good. I'm even really excited about moving into my new…