Traveling by Train from Naples to Sigonella Navy Base (in Sicily)

Traveling by train from Naples to Sigonella

On the last day before our flight out of Italy, Alan and I needed to get from halfway up the boot in Naples, down to the island boot tip of Sicily, to fly out of Naval Air Station Sigonella. Our whole vacation was built around our military space available flights. To learn more about flying to Italy using military space A, if you are active duty or retired, click here. All of the flights back to the U.S. were leaving […]

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What You Need to Know Before Going to Pompeii

If you are planning your trip to see the amazing city of Pompeii and the people frozen in time, I have a few helpful tips to share with you. Here is a city, buried by a volcano almost two thousand years ago. Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD. The entire city was covered in pumice and ash from the volcanic eruption, and it laid buried, largely undisturbed until the 17o0s. When people finally dug up the city, they found the […]

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Rome Day 3: The Beautiful Hotel Impero Saves the Day

our favorite Rome hotel

The morning of our last day in Rome was supposed to be very straight forward. We had tickets to take the speed train right back to the U.S. Navy base in Napoli. We were staying outside of Rome, so we hired a cab to take us to the train station. We had a good breakfast at our Hampton Inn that morning, and a reasonable cab fare. All was going to according to plan. Then our taxi driver started to ask […]

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The Vatican Museum: A Day of Waiting, Making New Friends, & Pizza

Tour the Vatican Museum

Our second day in Rome dawned on us a little later than we meant for it to. We knew we needed to get downtown early to stand in line for Vatican Museum tickets. You see, we did not plan far enough ahead to obtain tickets in advance. In order to see the famous Sistine Chapel ceiling, you must have Vatican Museum tickets. We were not about to leave Rome without seeing the Sistine Chapel. But did we see Vatican City? […]

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