Exciting News, Dirt Angels, and Checking on Daniel

I’m sitting by the bathroom, making sure JD does not splash while he takes his bath. I can hear some other children of mine downstairs, voicing their disapproval of what I’ve cooked for dinner, and well….I’m thinking perhaps some of my summer vacation plans should be alone….maybe Alan can come, but that’s it. So here’s my EXCITING NEWS. JD suddenly up and decided to start pooping on the potty this week. I’ve died and gone to Heaven, but first, there was […]

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Alan and I agreed that this would be the perfect weekend to begin JD’s potty training. Why? Well, it was because yesterday, while JD was playing quietly in his room, he took off a poopy diaper all by himself, and let’s just say the Lightning McQueen blanket may never be the same… Of course, that was completely forgotten by this morning. I was standing at my sink putting on my face, when JD walked over to the toilet and said, […]

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Dirt boy does not wish to go to the potty.

JD is the definition of “all boy”. He requires 2 baths and 3 sponge-downs/day. He plays in dirt, sand, mud, and water. He’s the easiest toddler in the world because you will hardly hear a grunt out of him all day. He wakes up, and he says, “Dirt?” “You want to go play in the dirt?” “Yeth.” “Sure,” and we open the door to our mini-fence. It is literally a mini-fence. It is the size of a bedroom, and since […]

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A Potty Training Pep Talk

I am not new at this. John David is my fourth boy, my fourth go-round. This is nothing new for me. I should not be intimidated by this at all. Right????? Wrong. There are some things in life that you dread more with experience. As a first-time mom, I had no idea the things that can happen during potty training. How could anyone know these things? I was just stumped as to where to even begin. Now that I’ve had […]

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Vacation with a toddler isn’t exactly vacation

vacation with a toddler isn't exactly vacation

We arrived in Alabama with much excitement. Vacation, whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! I spent the first few days of it in Florida with my mom, and it was paradise indeed. Then I reunited with my children. We put JD to bed, and that’s when I remembered. Vacation groooooaaaaaaan. Vacation with a toddler. Does it really qualify as “vacation”? There are still fun times, but the story of vacation week #2 is definitely all about the little fellow we sometimes refer to as Angry […]

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