Why You Should Absolutely Go See the Bible Museum

Right next to the long window on the 6th floor I found this exhibit of antiquities from Israel. This long-term exhibit is called History and Archaeology of Ancient Israel,
» Read moreRight next to the long window on the 6th floor I found this exhibit of antiquities from Israel. This long-term exhibit is called History and Archaeology of Ancient Israel,
» Read moreWe lived in D.C. (both inside and outside the Beltway) for 5 years, and during that time we always had at least 2 preschoolers, sometimes 3. If it wasn’t at the ‘Space Museum’ or the ‘Dinosaur Museum’, we couldn’t stay long. Art museums were terrifying to even attempt with them, so like most parents, we just didn’t. One year I sent the boys to stay with their grandparents for a week, and I had the rare opportunity to wander the […]
» Read moreGoing to Israel this year was the most exciting thing that ever happened to me. Yes, I know it’s a big statement to make. I like to make my statements GRANDE!!! Other than my wedding day and the births of my children, this was the BEST!!!!! I wrote, and wrote, and wrote about it, but I have yet to put all of that information into one source, so that’s what I am announcing today. All of the articles I wrote […]
» Read moreBefore we dive in to see the Jordan River, I found a few more beautiful photos of the Sea of Galilee on Alan’s camera!! I am including those here because these showed the lake better than the ones I took! Panoramic view of the Sea of Galilee After leaving the Sea of Galilee, it was finally time for lunch. Let me tell ya, I was STARVING. It was a good thing because lunch was fish caught in the Sea of […]
» Read moreThis lake, of heavy historic significance, is known by many names. Israelis I spoke with in Tel Aviv referred to it as Yam Kinneret. In the Bible, it is also called the Lake of Gennesaret, the Sea of Galilee, or the Sea of Tiberias. There are many names for it, but just one body of water. Looking over the ruins of ancient Capernaum to the Sea of Galilee The Basics The Sea of Galilee is 13 miles long and 8 […]
» Read moreAfter we left Nazareth, we hopped back on our bus and rode through the ever-so-bumpy streets of Cana. Maybe you have heard of Cana, where Jesus turned the water into wine? We didn’t actually stop in Cana. Another destination was on our minds: Capernaum and the Sea of Galilee!!!! Eeeeeee!!!! So excited!!! That bus ride was so bumpy that my Fitbit credited me with climbing about 200 flights of stairs. Yeah. I earned so many badges. Hahaha! I tried to make […]
» Read moreAfter Nazareth, and before Capernaum, we headed over to Tabgha, to see where Jesus called his first disciples and later performed the miracle of feeding the multitudes with the one basket of bread and fish. This sign below provides a nice overview of what happened here: History and the Bible People often want to compare Christianity with science, which is baffling because Christianity is not science. Those are two different fields. I mean, yes, I believe God created the world because […]
» Read moreDestination: Nazareth These photos of Nazareth depict the shop where Joseph worked as a stone carver (carpenter). We also see the Church of the Annunciation, which features artworks of Mary and Jesus from all over the world. This was one of the most exciting places to visit in Israel because we learned more about the family of Jesus and where they came from. I mean Nazareth is famous to all church-goers! ***Disclosure: All ads on this site are affiliate links, […]
» Read moreFor me, touring Israel was all about the history. I wanted to EXPERIENCE the Bible lands. Historic sites, ground that Jesus walked on, that was what we were after. On day 1, we crashed with jet lag and didn’t leave our hotel. Day 2, we rushed off to Jerusalem, as fast as our tour bus could take us. On day 3, Alan was working, and Julie and I were feeling out our surroundings, so we walked all over Tel Aviv, to see […]
» Read moreHappy 4th of July, friends! There’s this one DIY/home decorating blog that I love, even though this blogger’s home looks the polar opposite of mine. Seriously. She has 4 kids, and yet she decorates in white. And yet it looks beautiful. Her blog is Tidbits-Cam.com, and if you want to be inspired by photos of sheer beauty (who doesn’t?), give her a visit. Today on her blog, she is showcasing inspiring patriotic images, and I liked it so much I decided […]
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