A Day in the Life of a Virtual School Mom

***This post contains Amazon ads. If you order through these, I do earn fees. Thanks.*** How is year 2 of the COVID going for everyone so far? Anyone else still virtual schooling? I know almost everyone in our area is. There are days I wish I had jumped on the private school bandwagon fast enough to get one of those spots. However, other days I remind myself I need to try to enjoy this extra time I have been gifted […]

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Accepting Life As It Is While Maryland Returns to Full Virtual School

Accepting Life As Is While Maryland Returns to Full Virtual School

A month ago, COVID case numbers were down, and they announced that we would gradually start sending the children back to school. The funny part is that it was only for one day a week anyway. Around half the county signed up for this, and the other half elected to just stay full time virtual. Wow! There were so many people who were not so terribly desperate for a quiet day that they actually chose to stay full virtual. All […]

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A Brilliant Way to Eliminate NHIs (Not handed ins)

eliminate NHIs

Probably every parent still stuck in the virtual school nightmare with multiple children can relate to the feeling of helplessness as you watch your children have the lowest grades of their lives. What in the world happened to the leniency of the spring? It is gone. The motto is “sink or swim” now. If you cannot figure it out and get it in on time, here is your zero. The middle and high school no longer accepts late work. When […]

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10 New Things We Learned in Virtual School Week 2

10 Things We Learned in Virtual School Week 2

Where do I even begin to describe what managing virtual school is like at the House of Many Young Men? Since all people and family situations are unique, all of our virtual school experiences are also somewhat different. This is how it goes down at our house. If I did not constantly check on, like borderline harass, my fourth and second graders, one would only get a fraction of his work done, one would not even watch his classes, and […]

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2nd Grade Virtual School: What It’s Really Like

Hilarious Snippets of 2nd Grade Virtual School

We are now on our third day of virtual school. There are four scholars in our house, and the youngest is a second grader. Do you want to know what it’s really like? It is actually quite hilarious. I cannot even imagine what it must look like in kindergarten or first grade! How are teachers and parents doing this??? In order to maintain a healthy mind, you have to approach the whole thing with a gigantic sense of humor and […]

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It’s Okay to Do Absolutely Nothing When Facing Big Changes

It's Okay to Do Absolutely Nothing When Facing Big Changes

***Ad Disclosure Statement: When you purchase through links on this website, we collect advertising fees.*** Do any of you ever feel so subconsciously overwhelmed that you just feel like doing nothing? This week I definitely did not do “absolutely nothing.” In fact, I picked up all the boys’ school-issued materials for virtual school, set up and then re-set up work areas, and figured out how to work these new Chromebooks. That was a lot of things that I DID accomplish. […]

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Trusting God with Back to Virtual School Anxiety

back to virtual school anxiety

We are exactly eight days out from our first day of virtual school. How do I feel about that? Mostly on edge and nervous again. Surprise, surprise. When I feel anxiety about an upcoming event, I get super edgy, as in I actually feel sorry for my family members. This morning I set my phone alarm clock for the first time since last March or April. Since we are only a week out, we DO have to get back in […]

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Hey! It’s okay to tweak your school plan midyear.

It's okay to tweak your school plan mid-year

Some of us are dealing with a ton of uncertainty about education this year. I know we are. Will this virtual deal work for us? Should I give in to my son’s pleas to become a home schooler??? We are all going to have to try one method for school at first, and see if it works. Within a week or two, we will know if it is a total disaster or not. I wouldn’t judge it off of the […]

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Quarantine Week 5, Computer School Week 1: It’s like patience training.

Quarantine Week 5, Computer School Week 1: It's like patience training.

This past week I stopped every few days to jot down a paragraph or two of how quarantine was going for us. I had no idea it was going to be such a challenging week, thanks to the addition of virtual schooling. Our school only involves a little of the classroom videos. It is mostly, “Go to this website, click on the list, click on the links, do the problems. Take the quiz at the end. Create a brochure about […]

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Into the Unknown: Virtual School Nerves and Anxiety

into the unknown: virtual school nerves and anxiety

Is anyone else feeling nervous about their kids beginning virtual school? I feel like this is an issue that parents across the entire world are dealing with. We have been out of school for the sheltering-in-place or quarantine or social distancing, whatever you want to call it, for a month now. Seriously. An entire month has passed. During that month, we here in Maryland were given home-school packets of suggested work. Thankfully, they gave us all the benefit of the […]

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