Day 7: Stop Worrying About Imaginary Problems

Day 7: Stop Worrying About Imaginary Problems

This story is long, so I decided to spice it up with a Snapchat enhanced video instead.

To fully understand this post, you really have to watch the video.

I failed to mention in the video that I’m an abundant sweater. Yep. Those weren’t just armpits. Those were sweaty armpits.

So yeah…here’s what’s been going on with me lately:

It’s so important not to dwell on problems that may not even exist. You know? And even if they did find something on the MRI, we will deal with that. I will do whatever it takes to be here for the people who need me.

But the fact is, when the results come back and they are normal, what a shame it will be to have wasted all this time stressing over a problem I don’t even have.

Now you know you’ve done it before too. These are imaginary problems. Do I have actual things I SHOULD be dealing with?

Yes, I do.

I SHOULD be cleaning house, finding Daniel’s blue jeans, looking for my fall decor stuff before fall ends. Where did I put those???? (Moving problems..)

But that’s not any fun. I want to sit here and scour the internet for information on this rare disease that I have a few symptoms of…

Wait. Why??? Is that actually any more fun than making a wreck of the storage room trying to find my cute fake pumpkins???

Well, it does take less energy..

Don’t do it, y’all. Give imaginary problems not 2 seconds of your day. We all have real things to address. And if that means tearing into the storage room or house cleaning for you, check out the happy cleaning music playlist I made. I’ve been adding songs to it. You can find that here.

It’s funny how we know worrying is a bad idea. And God tells us in the Bible over and over again not to be anxious, to trust Him, to cast our worries on him. Yet we worry anyway. I have to admit, I almost felt like I was indulging myself in worrying about this stupid MRI. Isn’t that crazy??

Let’s not do crazy today. Let’s do peace! Thanks for reading, y’all.


  • Hi April, we all worry about the unknown and having information at our fingertips is probably not always good… So stop Googling it! I expect the Drs are just double checking and that all will be well. In the meantime find that fall decor and jolly up the house and try not to worry.

    Thank you for linkingup with #KeepingItReal


  • Hello April,

    Thank you for sharing your experience with worry. Doesn’t matter how much we know we shouldn’t worry about things we don’t have control of but we still do. It happens to the best of us.

    As I’ve gotten older, I’ve found myself worrying more. I thought it should be the other way around right? We’re supposed to find more peace with age. But being aware of my own tendencies have helped my a lot. To catch myself as soon as I start worrying. That has helped me.

    I’m visiting from The Keeping It Real Linkup. Glad to have discovered your blog!


  • Great post. One of the best advice I have gotten is do not sweat the small stuff.

  • Definitely praying for good results and that you will have the peace that surpasses all understanding….waiting is hard.

  • Okay watching this totally made me laugh. You reminded me so much of myself and stuff I’ve gone through this past year. I had this “scare” with my liver that turned into absolutely nothing (after scary tests administered). I had a major freak out over it that did not end until I came to the same conclusion as you and completely surrendered it all (the crazy included!) o er you God! Your video is hysterical with the way you delivered lol but I also will be praying for you! Please let us know how it the test goes!!

    • Exactly!!!! I was hoping someone could relate. I will definitely share how it all turns out. I won’t know until Oct. 5th at least.

      • Whoa! October 5th at least?! Looks like God’s got some lessons amid the wait time!! Waiting is so hard but gives the chance to grow so much! Praying for you and these healthy results and the journey between now and then!

  • Nonna

    Cute presentation! We needed the reminder not to worry. Thanks. Praying everything will be a-o-k.

  • McMom

    “Don’t be crazy, I’m not going to be crazy,”. Says the half woman, half cat. Bahahaha! Actually, the cat woman speaks wise words. I love to borrow trouble myself. So hard not to do! Rainbow beard Dr was my favorite. And chill beach April. Praying all goes well with the MRI.

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