10 Truths About My New Stay at Home Mom Life
10 Truths About My New Stay at Home Mom Life
(with 4 kids in elementary & middle school)
Disclaimer: This is a totally different existence than staying at home with preschoolers in your house all day. I’ve waited 12 years for this.
#1. I had this ENORMOUS lists of things I thought I’d accomplish once all my kids finally started school.
I called it my “Back to School Bucket List.” You can read it if you like, but I will warn you. That list is so very me. How? Well, I had about 20 different things I thought I was going to accomplish. It’s a highly ambitious and idealistic list because that is simply how I roll. There’s no fixing it.
…..And instead I mostly blog and go to the grocery store.
Seriously. I do an outing. Collapse on the sofa. Do the chores some of the chores. Collapse on the sofa. It’s all over surprisingly quickly.
#2. I’m relishing this quiet house.
All I can hear is the air conditioner (because this is the summer that never ends… Die summer, die) and the sound of my fingers typing.
Is it as wonderful as I thought it would be? Oh yes, honey, that part is heavenly. Literally I could take a nap right this second.
#3. Somehow someone needs something from the store every single day.
I’m not actually going to the store every day, but there are enough needs/wants/requests that I could. I told Alan this morning, “Look, I can’t keep buying groceries 3 times a week. The budget can’t take that.”
There has to be a way to streamline the store thing. Inevitably, I always miscalculate just how much we eat.
#4. There are no more excuses to not exercise.
This part is irritating. Not a single excuse will do. No one is distracting me. I do have the time. It was raining today, but I have a small collection of workout DVDs as well as YouTube. We even have a free gym membership on post.
There’s just no excuse at all. Except “no energy.” But the sad thing is that you have to give energy to get energy, so again, no excuse at all.
Does that mean I exercised today? Well, according to my Fitbit I got 25 minutes of cardio in already by going to the grocery store. That probably won’t work for most of you though. It only worked for me today because I forgot to take my heart pill, and when I do that my heart beats too fast, convincing my Fitbit that I’m in “cardio.”

Our sofa is oh so cushy cozy comfy.
#5. I cannot tell a lie. My sofa is seeing a lot more of me than it used to.
I like to sit here and use my computer. Maybe I need to drink more coffee and sleep more so I can make myself do less of this. But I’ve waited 12 years for this!!!
#6. My kitchen and living room are still tidier just because they get a 7 hour break from the children.
It still doesn’t look perfect. I mean my entertainment center hasn’t been dusted in a few weeks, and there are already stains on this rug that was brand new in May, but guess what. There are no stacks! Say what!
Okay there’s still stacks downstairs on the desk, but it doesn’t count because #6 is about the kitchen and the living room.
Yes, there are bags of groceries sitting in the kitchen at this moment. I put up all the cold stuff. The rest can wait until my next energy arrives.
#7. I do need to get more social interaction.
The hermit thing that I do sometimes is starting to happen. I’ve had multiple people in the neighborhood say to me, “Hey! You’re out! I never see you.”
I DO want to see my friends, but John David (my 5-year-old) always insists that I leave every social function early. Plus, I’m lazy about initiating outings. Add this item to my back to school bucket list: go see friends.
#8. You would think I would be cooking and baking more.
That’s another thing perhaps I don’t have an excuse with. Why am I not cooking more? I don’t know the answer to that. It gets in the way of my blogging time on my couch?
#9. I haven’t gone into town even once yet.
I said I was going to ride the train into town and explore D.C. on my own, and it was going to be such a fun adventure. Four weeks later, and I mostly only go to the Commissary or Target.
Sometimes I have to get up from the left side (my favorite spot) of the sofa and go sit on the right side because that’s where my computer charger is. That’s my level of adventure this week.
#10. Walking the kids to school and back is my best exercise, and it’s exhausting and sometimes impossible.
I am a serious advocate of walking or biking to school when you live with a school right in your neighborhood. It’s the best. According to my Fitbit, I now log about 300 active minutes a week. Back when we lived in Georgia, I was only logging 50-100.
It’s healthy for the kids too, so we enjoy doing it. If only the weather would cooperate!! Yes, I’m whining here when I say this, but 90 degrees has been the average temperature at 3:15pm for the past 4 weeks, and it has been BRUTAL. Most days I needed to change clothes 3 times and take 2 showers a day. I didn’t actually take 2 showers a day, but it was bad enough that I could have.
When it wasn’t scorching it was raining, and our house is 0.75 miles from the school, going at a kindergarten walking pace because I do have a kindergartener.
So here’s what a typical day actually looks like.
-Get the boys ready for school, complete with snacks, one lunch box for Daniel (who saves me so much money), 3 water bottles, and all papers signed.
-Put John David’s shoes on for him because 4th babies are insanely spoiled.
-Spend 3 minutes standing in the yard deciding if we can handle the walk in this weather today.
-Pick up a friend on the way to school.
-Arrive at school 20 minutes later. Convince John David to walk into the school building.
-Walk home.
-Collapse on the sofa.
-Read my Bible. Answer emails.
-Pinterest time.
-Do the dishes.
-Brush teeth and put on my contacts.
-Sweep a room.
-Collapse on the sofa.
-What! It’s 3pm already!?
-Rush out the door to get kids.
And that’s my truth. Tell me I’m not alone. Ha! This phase is far easier than those years of preschoolers. Man, those years were hard core. Yet, I still never feel like I’m doing enough (a lie from the devil).
I do miss cuddling with babies. So much!! I miss babies, but at the same time I’m okay, you know? This phase is just a different kind of good.
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Oh my gosh…I can totally relate! I’m not a stay at home mom, but I’m a teacher. So for 2-3 months out of the year, I get to live the SAHM life. The last days of the school year I get so excited about all the things we’re going to do and I’m going to accomplish. And then before I know it, it’s August and I’ve done none of it. ☺️
Sounds like you are enjoying some much deserved rest and relaxation. 🙂 Mine is 3. I am counting the days until Kindergarten! lol
Sounds a lot like my life. I love not having the kitchen used during the day!
Totally did this about 2 years ago. My older 2 went to school and my youngest went to daycare (because I was suffering from anxiety/depression and was taking a break from mommying to heal.) After dropping them off, I’d go back to sleep. Before I knew it, it was time to pick them up from school. Now, I’m better and home with baby number 4 and my 4 year old (she didn’t get a slot for pre-k). I do miss the quiet of those days, but I know I’ll get those back in about 4 years. 😁
Omg yes to several of these!!! Mines not in school yet but she’s only 18 months. I work and own a in home grooming business so when I’m not grooming I make all these plans to do laundry, exercise and get all this stuff down when in reality I’ll put clothes in the wash (that I forget about for days) go up stairs and do nothing the rest of the day and then feel guilty after all is said and done! 😂
Ha! Oh that’s funny. You work hard though and you need to crash for a little while each day, right? I mean batteries must be recharged.
Very true! I wish I could just do it all. My laundry pile is scary right now!! And there is only three of us.
You have embarked on THE toughest job in history! Keep up the good work!!!
This is awesome! I’m a kinda stay at home mom…not really I still work part time and do a million other jobs that I get to do from home but I’m right there with you! I was thinking when I stop working full Tim away from home I would be able to do so much more! Yeah right if anything I think I’m more busy!
Thanks. 🙂 The time just goes by so stinkin’ fast, and I’m still learning to manage the time better for sure!
I say “amen” to all of these! It must be amazing to have a mess-free house for part of the day. I am right there with you on #4…struggle bus here when it comes to running this week. We are stacking people and there always seems to be one sitting on the “multipurpose” counter 🙂 Maybe that will change next year when my kids are in school.
I should probably clarify that it’s never quite mess free. I don’t have a great explanation for that either–ha!–but it’s just less messy than before, if that makes sense.
I love this! I’m enjoying peeking into your life lately. My husband is also an advocate for frequent trips to the store…I am not. I feel like we spend too much money doing that and it is not a budget savvy choice, as you said. The DC trip sounds fun but I get it…I think you read my Empty Calendar post. 😉 I would LOVE to be able to stay home when my kids are in school but I don’t think that will be a reality for us…dang! Thanks for sharing! 💖
Thank you! Staying at home is a privilege for sure. I may not always do this either, but for now it’s working, and I keep thinking perhaps I can turn blogging into a more profitable job.
Haha! I love you and this. Hey, make that sofa your friend girl. We have years of sleep to catch up on 🙂
hehe 🙂 Thanks!
All I’m hearing here is that a girl who, after 12 years of being constantly on-the-go, is finally getting some much deserved r&r!! Sounds like you’ve got it just right!!! Though I get the whole “missing the babies” part!!
Aw! Thank you so much. I enjoy your perspective on this.
I’m still not used to it, my second year in. And the kids take the bus now which makes for more hectic mornings but more time to myself. And I still don’t tackle even half of my to do list.
And don’t get me started on the food shopping ridiculousness.
Yes!!! It is ridiculousness! I’m embarrassed to admit I haven’t even been making actual to do lists. 😬 Tomorrow. I’ll do that tomorrow. 😁