10 Ideas for Making a Quarantine Birthday Fun

Do you have anyone in your house with a quarantine birthday?
It feels ironic that I wrote a post only two weeks ago where I talked about how my birthday party was postponed when I turned eight years old. That was due to chicken pox. Remember chicken pox? Then here I am thirty-one years later “postponing” my son’s ninth birthday party while we all hunker down to slow the spread of the new coronavirus. I told him we will do his party in April, but I have no idea if that will actually happen.
Poor Daniel. He was all kinds of pumped for this party too. It was going to be at a trampoline park, you know, where germs go to exchange hosts. haha!
I still want Daniel’s birthday to be special though, even if he will only see our same ol’ faces on that day. His birthday is on a Sunday, and church is cancelled. It may sound bad, but as a wiggly nine-year-old boy, he will assure you that this is a win.

So here are a few things we are doing to save the quarantine birthday:
#1. Dunkin Donuts for breakfast
As long as they keep that drive thru running, this may be a first at our house. We rarely buy donuts, and if we do it’s usually later in the day. I am not a morning person, out running about town before breakfast!
I told Daniel he could pick anything he wants for breakfast, and that is what he chose. Many of you are wondering why in the world he didn’t choose Krispy Kreme donuts. We live in Maryland. The nearest Krispy Kreme is an hour away, so Dunkin’ it is.
#2. NERF gun war!
Everyone is basically running around with Nerf guns, setting up forts, etc., and it is quite chaotic, but they love it.
#3. Sweet potato casserole and yeast rolls for lunch
Isn’t he cute?

#4. Grocery Store Bakery cake– I am picking this up today, two days ahead, just in case the bakery folds.
Vanilla cake with chocolate icing, per his instructions. He first requested ganache filling with a fondant icing, Haha! He’s my little chef. The thing is I have not found a place like that here yet, and I have not even attempted making fondant icing. He agreed to settle for the standard grocery store bakery cake. By next year we will be more established here, and then I will go buy him the fancy cake he desires.
Don’t worry. We’ve already ordered the cake. It was the only one they were making today, and they said it would be ready by 4:30.
#5. Fortnite Piñata!!!
Shhh! Don’t tell Daniel. This is a surprise. I found it on clearance at Walmart at Christmas time. These were selling for $70 everywhere else because the piñata is filled with Fortnite toys, but I found it for only $40. However, when Christmas time came I realized I had over bought for the little boys. You know, you have to make all the presents fair and even, so I stashed it away, and they have forgotten that this was even a thing they asked for.

#6. Extra Presents
Alan went to Target a few nights ago. He said it was so empty of people and essentials that it was eerie. Toys were still fully stocked though, so Alan went a little overboard. After all, there won’t be any friends bringing toys to a nonexistent party, so a few extra won’t hurt.

#7. He gets to pick a family movie to watch.
This is another thing he requested. I asked him for all the birthday ideas he could think of. He hasn’t decided on which movie yet, but he does love movies.
#8. Extra video game time
Boys tend to be really simple in this way. Things like extra video game time make them quite the happy campers.

#9. Festive decor
No one is coming over, but I will still hang the “Happy birthday” sign, put out festive decor, and maybe even make punch. I firmly believe boys enjoy a festively decorated party every bit as much as girls do. They especially appreciate balloons, not just hanging balloons, but balloons that they are allowed to throw around and eventually destroy. Boys do love to destroy things.
#10 FaceTime & Phone calls to family
All the grandparents will want to wish him a happy birthday, I’m sure.

And last but not least…#11. Hugs, attention, and Mint Ice cream
….because Daniel likes ice cream that tastes like toothpaste. Of course, this is only if I find a grocery store that still has mint ice cream. I had no luck with that at the grocery store today, so picked up some mint Little Debbie snacks instead.
9 is fine.
Just like us. We’re fine. Right? Everything is fine. My neighbor and I were talking about how much cleaning we are getting done.
Keep in touch, y’all! I am getting cabin fever already.
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Also, check out my recently published book where I take you on a tour through the Holy Land with 280 beautiful full color photos. It’s FREE today and tomorrow only on Amazon!

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Thank you very much for such an informative article
thanks for sharing this
They’re having fun
Great post, my daugher’s birthday is coming up May 12 and we feel so bad that we can’t do much. I love your creativity and thought behind making birthdays fun during lockdown.
I keep hoping my May 12th things will improve, but it will probably still be weird. I’m sure you’ll make it a happy birthday anyway.
Looks like he had a really special day! How lucky he is to have you to show him that he and is birthday are special, no matter what the circumstances.
Pingback: Making an 18th birthday special during Covid Quarantine • Mom Behind the Curtain
Ohhhh, is your baby had an on-going birthday celebration for days it seems. Not sure even in April will we be allowed to have gatherings for birthday parties. My birthday is Monday and we can only have 5 people together in one place here in El Paso. If my daughter, son-in-law and 2 grandbabies come over, we will be one person over the limit. Boo!
I think Dunkin’ Donuts rock and McD’s, too. In fact, that was what we ate the last night before restaurants closed here – a cheeseburger, fries and a shake. Mmmmm.
Hoping you guys stay safe, healthy and sane!!
Let me clarify that we did not have any people over. Those pictures are from past birthdays.
Pingback: Quarantine Week 2: The Quitter Feet and the Centenarians - Stories of Our Boys
We always had birthday boy’s choice for cake and dinner, too! Our motto was as long as there is cake and balloons, it’s a party… We’ve carried that on with our grandsons, and still blow up balloons for our grown children… Happy day, Daniel! (And I like mint ice cream, too! And no, it doesn’t taste like toothpaste. Especially the one with the chocolate chips!)
Yes! I agree. Balloons and cake = party. 🙂 Thanks!
I hope he still had a lovely birthday! We had to cancel our little one’s birthday last weekend, and we just had it at home, just us, and we called our parents online so they could watch it all of course. But it wasn’t the big party in the park he’d planned. I think he still had fun though, his big brother declared he wanted to have his next birthday at home too so that was a relief that it went well! 🙂
Aw! That sounds very successful. Great job! We’re all in this together.
You’re making me hungry. And it’s so endearing. He’ll never forget this birthday, that’s for sure, but he may look back on it fondly. I bet he will. The world has been unstable forever and your job/living situations have been changing, but the stability is in you and Alan! So that won’t change.
Cassidy’s birthday is April 13th. MA is due to “re-open” April 7th but I can’t see how it will. So quarantine birthday for him! Des’ is in June and I’m even a little worried about that. I have a big birthday this July and we were planning to hardcore travel, and both the pregnancy and the virus will affect that one.
I had chicken pox when I was eight too!
Isn’t this the strangest year ever? I still can’t believe you’re pregnant. So exciting! I sincerely hope and pray things will calm down this summer and you can have your fun trip.
Perfect for making him feel special!
Happy Birthday Daniel! (From all those strange boys you met on a beach in Monterey many moons ago)
Aw thank you! That was fun.
This all sounds delightful. I hope it comes off without a hitch. Happy birthday to Daniel! May he feel the love.
Thank you! I think it all went really well.
I love this and just sent this to a friend who was trying to figure out a birthday this year! Thank you for sharing!
Oh thanks Jen!
These are great way to keep his birthday special! My son has one coming up next month and it’s his 16th so I was planning to do something “more” than usual. I warned him that we might have to wait several months and joked we could always celebrate it with his brother’s 13th in the fall. He’s just praying the DMV stay (or is!) open by his birthday so he can go get his permit.
Aw! Bless him. This is all so weird, isn’t it? I hope he gets to take his test!