60 Triumphant Photos of Spring Around the World in 2020

60 Triumphant Photos of Spring Around the World 2020

This post is a pick-me-up for today. I don’t know about you, but I could really use one. Think of it as wall-to-wall happy photos of spring in all of its glory. You know what I am thankful for? I am thankful that this whole pandemic mess is happening during my favorite season of the year: spring. The glorious blooms that abound on my street, in my neighborhood, and the whole way to the Burger King drive thru window wave […]

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15 Helpful Websites and Apps for Your Quarantine Home School

I still cannot believe we are doing this whole quarantine home school thing, but hey, we are all in this together. Right? From reading texts from friends and my modern-day gossip column (Facebook), I gather that some schools provided solid plans for students who are at home while others did not. We live in Maryland. Our teachers were given less than 24 hours of notice before schools shut down. Therefore, they cannot guarantee that all children have internet access at […]

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10 Ideas for Making a Quarantine Birthday Fun

quarantine birthday

Do you have anyone in your house with a quarantine birthday? It feels ironic that I wrote a post only two weeks ago where I talked about how my birthday party was postponed when I turned eight years old. That was due to chicken pox. Remember chicken pox? Then here I am thirty-one years later “postponing” my son’s ninth birthday party while we all hunker down to slow the spread of the new coronavirus. I told him we will do […]

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Life in the Underground Day 2: The Great Return to Home School

The Great Return to Home school Day 2

And just like that, the whole country became home school families! Does anyone else feel like a month has passed since last Wednesday? Our “cancelling school” announcement came on a Thursday night, and that was the day the world felt like it began to unravel. Then we all sort of went underground. Now you know this all feels extremely ironic to me. I said I would never home school again. It was not for me. Honestly, I was a bit […]

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