Lockdown Week 11: National Uproar, Alan at the Office, and My Next Ebook

So how is everyone’s lock down going? Still feeling okay out there, in your own home?
I noticed that some of my Alabama friends went back to church this Sunday. I was like, “Say whaaa?” I can’t even imagine that yet here in Maryland. Because we move so much, my Facebook newsfeed represents people from all over the country, but mostly the South, the D.C. area, and California/Washington state. I am always surprised at how different life is in different states.
The variety of locations make for a fun read on Facebook. Georgia opened back up shops before Alabama, I think, but poor Alabama is the one having the surge in coronavirus cases.
One of my sons has firm opinions about all this, and it is funny because he does not get these opinions from Alan and me. Alan and I stay very busy and rarely even comment on the lock down situation. Alan literally does not have time, and I honestly sometimes forget that we are even in lock down. Day dreaming is my most special skill. It is a coping skill too. If you don’t let things bother you too much, you do live with more peace of mind and less heart problems.

I started to get excited about planning a Disney trip a month ago because I was just certain they would open by the end of summer. Being optimistic is my coping mechanism. Sure enough, they are opening this summer. Alan just started a new job though, so he is reluctant to leave for long enough to do Disney in addition to visiting grandparents and going to the beach. Alan dislikes Disney and takes germs very seriously in a normal year. I think Disney this year might actually give him an aneurism. No matter how many times the boys washed their hands, I don’t think Alan would ever believe they were truly clean.

I still want to go to Disney again soon though. I cannot explain why, but I seriously love it and feel so happy when I am there. Maybe we will wait until cooler weather though. It’s pretty hot to wear a mask outside.
By the way, Alan was NOT working at home for week 11. He actually went to his work building.
This greatly improved my stress level. We loved the idea of having Alan at home, but we didn’t see him when he was working at home anyway. While he was at home, he was literally ALWAYS in my bedroom, with two computer screens on, talking on his phone, and typing. If I went to my room, I had to be quiet. Most days he does not even leave that room for lunch. The boys or I bring him a lunch and a coffee. It’s like room service….but way less fun.
The Army, or I should say Alan’s corner of the Army, is heavily involved in the whole COVID19 thing. Plus, Alan is in the thick of his “command time,” a three year section of an Army officer’s career that they take very seriously. With him in my room, working around the clock, his stress felt like my stress. It was horribly draining. I mean, I hate that he has to deal with it either way, but at least with him back at the office, it does not also become my stress. At this very moment, I am peacefully sitting on my bed, at four-o’clock in the afternoon, which I haven’t been able to do in months, typing this up. Peace and quiet reigns.

Memorial Day
I know Memorial Day is not supposed to be about taking a day off and going to the lake, but man it was nice to do just that this year. We are so grateful for those who gave all for our country. As a military wife, I cannot watch anything remotely Memorial Day related without crying. It was just extra sweet to get that day off this year. We needed it so badly.

Only 2.5 Weeks of School to Go!
I am so excited about this. Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! It’s been years since I felt this happy to see summer arrive. As a rule, I am not a big fan of sweaty, sticky summer, but this year is vastly different. Come on over, summer. Hop in my minivan. We are going to Alabama and Florida. We can lock down at my parents’ house just as well as we can lock down here.
I haven’t been this excited to see summer….since… well, since the last time I had to be the teacher. Ha! So much responsibility!
National Uproar
You can’t really talk about this particular week without mentioning the death of George Floyd. Whether you think he died as a result of racism or not, the fact is that he should not have died. Racism in America is also a fact. We all know that to be true. I remember when I enrolled as a freshman at the University of Alabama in 1999 how much racism I saw and felt because my roommate was black. The racism was towards her, not me, but I learned from it. Several different girls asked me, “So are you going to move, try to switch roommates?” No, of course I wasn’t. My roommate, Monica, was ideal. She was a wonderful, mature graduate student, and we had fun together. I could not have asked for a better roommate. We stayed friends for years. She sang the Lord’s prayer at my wedding in 2002.
In my college days, there was controversy over allowing anyone not white into the Greek sororities at UA. I read up on it the other day, out of curiosity, to see if that has changed. I looked at photos and read articles, but honestly, I did not see much change. A few sororities on Alabama’s campus have let in a few people of color, but I did not see many. I’m not trying to villainize the Greek system, but I am using it as an example. You cannot still have these social clubs that keep people out based on skin color and yet say racism in America is gone.
Please don’t send me emails defending the Greek system. I know people are actively trying to change it, and I have faith that they will eventually succeed. One of my best buds was in an Alabama sorority, and she would not agree with the keeping out of other races. She is a kind person, but even she will admit that it happens. Some sororities and fraternities are much worse about this than others.
But I’m chasing rabbit trails. I just wanted to say that I do hurt for the African American community, and I am doing my best to teach my children to treat everyone with equal love and respect. We are all created in the image of God. Underneath our different crayon colors of skin, we are all just people. We are people who were stressed already from the lock downs and are now stressed even more from the racism and the riots. My prayer for our country is that we keep improving in the way we treat one another and that we are able to get back to working together more closely soon.
I thought Will Smith’s quote was quite correct, “Racism is not getting worse, it’s getting filmed.”
Jesus said everything best.
“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”
Matthew 22:36-40

I hope you all have a happy week. I’m working on a project, my next e-book, called “5 Days of Finding Joy in a Pandemic.” This one will be free to all of my blog subscribers. I’m hoping to have that finished and available in just a couple of weeks. I’m thinking “5 Days” because I think I can get 5 days done so much quicker than 10, and you can read it quicker too, but I’ve drawn up a draft cover, back when I was planning it to be 10 days. Here’s a sneak peek at the draft cover:

I will let you guys know when I have it all finished up! Thanks for reading!
I can kind of relate to that, AC is a combat medic and for the whole month of March his unit was training every single day, 7 days a week, to prepare to deploy to go relieve some of the hospitals. He was very stressed out and so was I thinking about him being deployed for an undisclosed amount of time away from our newborn and toddler during a pandemic! Thankfully they cancelled his unit from going but it was a close call.
Oh man, that is the definition of stress right there. Hurray for the cancellation.
Hello, sweet friend. Much to ponder here. First, I am very excited about your ebook. Hope you will send out a big announcement when it is available.
Glad your husband and the boys have a game they can play together. My granddaughter and I were trying to play Slitherio together but realized it is virtually impossible to find each other among all of the other players.
I was a sorority girl back in the ’70s. I remember we had one member who was Hispanic. But at the time I didn’t even realize it. Her name was Mitzi and her last name was Martinez but she pronounced it Mar-ten-ehz. Later, I realized she wasn’t even pronouncing her last name correctly. I don’t know if it was intentional or not. Seems very odd to me now though.
I can’t tell you how much I needed to hear someone say they were on board with my ebook plan. Thank you so much. I’m sure not every state’s Greek system was as segregated as Alabama’s, at least I hope not. I do think we are seeing many great changes in that regard in our lifetime.
Your comments about Mr. Floyd are the most resonate and loving I’ve seen, with so much clarity. It’s easy to get angry. It’s easy to want to act in anger. But Jesus set the example. Although we don’t even know if this was racism, which is SO true, the most tragic part is this unnecessary loss of life and the fear it propagates in the community. I feel as if all of us have had a notion similar to your well-meaning and probably unaware classmates who wondered if you’d ask for a roommate change. Times like these get me to really examine how I treat and react with EVERYONE, and remind me that all are my neighbors, regardless of race, ideals, or anything else distinguishing. I love that variety.
Wow, so people asked you if you’d switch roommates because she’s black?! I’m so glad you didn’t. We have this idea that racism is a southern thing (like in Alabama) but it’s very prevalent here too. It’s a country-wide thing, if not worldwide. I’m glad you spoke about it.
As for Disney, we JUST went in February before this craziness. We only go during cold months so we wouldn’t be due to go until January/February 2021 anyway, and since I’ll have a newborn then, would probably put it off a year. So even without COVID-19, we probably wouldn’t go going but I have missed it so. Probably because I love it there and it was my last travel before this all got crazy. I was pregnant there this year but didn’t know it! I feel special thinking about it.
Church opening would scare me too. I’m actually terrified of this virus, partly because I’m pregnant and partly because it’s terrifying.
Wishing us all love and peace and strength in these last 2-3 weeks of school.
Yes! We all need all the love and peace for sure. Just 2.5 weeks! If I were pregnant, I know that I would be far more reluctant to leave my house, and I don’t get out much as it is.
I thought the Atlanta mayor did a great job! Why can’t more of the mayors do that!
Yea, Disney would probably be more fun next year with less restrictions.
Oh, I watched her speech on the news. After I heard about it on Facebook, I looked it up. She was amazing.
We had our Disney tripped planned for February and then postponed until May when my guys were sick with the flu… and then canceled by Covid. We planned to reschedule ASAP and while my family is just fine with the thought of going this year we are definitely against wearing masks in that heat and following all the other protocols (I just can’t imagine how long lines would feel with 6 feet between people!) so we’re thinking we’ll reschedule for next year instead. Plus I honestly hated all the airport security during normal times and just can’t image all the extra hoops to jump through for that either. For now I’ll just keep on dreaming of vacation and maybe plan something closer to home for this summer.
I hear ya. I’m waiting it out too. It calls me though. I want to go!
Great post. So many thoughts. I have to agree with you on not being able to watch anything related to Memorial Day. I watch ZERO military shows or movies. I have to distract myself during church “movies” they show during patriotic services. I can barely make it though any patriotic music whatsoever. I could go on, but yeah, I get ya’.
I think having your spouse working full time in your bedroom would be stressful for anyone! Glad he has been able to get back in the office and hopefully keep most of the stress THERE, for both your sakes.
Half the people are walking around down here with no masks, acting as if everything was normal. Nearly everything is opened back up. It’s very interesting. It’s a lot of process and weigh out – safety, fear, normalcy, wisdom, etc.
I agree, racism is still prevalent. I do very much like the fact that the last several churches we’ve joined have had a mixed congregation. That doesn’t seem to have filtered down to many small town churches yet, but we are all one race in God’s eyes. Different shades of the same color, if you ask me. I am ready for the violence to stop so healing and forward progress can begin.
That’s exciting that things are reopening. It’s like I’m excited and nervous at the same time, like putting one tie at a time into the pool. Will we all get COVID19? But I really want to go to Kohl’s.. haha! I am hoping to go to kohl’s for the first time this week.
Did you see the Atlanta mayors speech. I thought she did a great job. They had downtown all cleaned up fast. The other cities need to take some cues from her.