Stitch Fix Review for Summer 2020

***This post contains affiliate links. I do earn advertising fees when you order through Stitch Fix after clicking on these links. All opinions are my own.***

Stitch Fix Review for summer 2020

This was probably my tenth or so Stitch Fix box, and shorty shorts aside, this box was an exciting hit. This box had two adorable tops, two dresses that fit perfectly, and a terrible pair of Daisy Dukes.

On my Facebook video, I asked what I should keep, and I promised to post photos of what I liked, so I am here to fulfill all my promises. In case you missed the Facebook live video, you can watch it here:

Since Alan was working from home on Friday, he was able to take photos for me. He was quite helpful and actually gave me input as to what I should keep. His favorite dress was the blue flowered one. John David agreed. The only thing Alan and I disagreed on was the shorts. I did not take a photo of me in the shorts because me in those shorts is not happening. Only a man would be like, “Yes! Yes, wear the shorts! They’re perfect for when we go to the creek.”

Every woman knows when her time comes that she no longer looks good in Daisy Dukes, and that time arrived for me quite some time ago. Actually, thighs have always been my thickest area, and I have never felt comfortable in little shorts. I live in cropped pants or capri pants in the summer. Those are my uniform. I am a firm believer in wearing what is flattering more so than what is currently trendy.

Here are all the outfits. I am no model, friends, but I did put on eyeliner for this. A little foundation would’ve been helpful. But hey, what is a pandemic good for if it’s not an excuse to wear less make-up?

Stitch Fix Review Summer 2020
Alan gave this top two thumbs up, so I wore it for the rest of the day. Any shirt that makes you feel confident is a keeper.

The bra question

I mentioned in the video that I normally don’t wear shirts like this because I do not do strapless bras, nor do I have any other types of specialty bras that I wear for longer than a two hour wedding or such. However, I noticed wearing a sports bra with this top almost worked perfectly. What is needed is simply a racer back style bra, so I went online and found one on Soma and ordered it. It was on sale, had five-star ratings, and came in tons of colors and sizes, so that sounds pretty perfect. Click here to order one for yourself. No, I don’t work for them and won’t make money if you buy it. Maybe I should look into that though…I’m always looking for more advertisers…

Stitch Fix Review Summer 2020

Alan and John David both liked this dress best, and that is why I am keeping it because really I wasn’t that impressed. Yes, it fits perfectly, but the material is only okay. I will probably wear it to church, whenever we finally get to go back to church.

Stitch Fix Review Summer 2020

This one is my FAVORITE. I am wearing this shirt at this very moment. It’s lightweight but not see through, and the material is super cute. Love it!

Stitch Fix Review Summer 2020
Rosie, our little whippet mix, approved.

This is the kind of dress that I LOVE, and Alan and J.D. were like, “Yeah, it’s good, but not as good as the blue flowered one.” I don’t care. I like it best and will wear it more often. Maybe clothes that aren’t body-hugging are to me what hoodies are to middle schoolers…they just feel safe and cozy.

I have to wear my Clarks sandals with everything. Those in the photo are the ones I ordered especially for my plantar fasciitis. It was getting much better. Then last week I decided I could walk the whole block in my Clarks flip-flops, you know, because I was feeling so good I decided to behave like an idiot. Three years ago I toured all of Israel in Clarks flip-flops and felt great. This year I cannot even walk a mile in tennis shoes. Feet problems are no joke.

So how much am I keeping from this Fix?

All in all, this Stitch Fix box was an enormous mood booster for me. Even though I may never wear the shorts, I am going to keep the entire box. Why? Well, the way it works is they subtract 25% off your order if you keep it all. The amount that I save keeping the shorts is ten dollars more than I would get back if I returned the shorts. It is literally cheaper for me to keep it all than to send one item back.

Biggest change I noticed from this recent Stitch Fix:

The prices seemed to have gone down. Normally, a whole box adds up to right around $200. This time my entire box was only $155, after the discounts. That is a significant difference, in my opinion. I don’t mind paying it either because shopping is tricky with the coronavirus restrictions. Places aren’t doing returns or opening fitting rooms, and with Stitch Fix you know what fits, and returns are super duper easy.

My best tips for getting a great fix like this:

  1. Fill out every little question they ask you on your sign-up forms with as many details as possible. Tell how you like your clothes to fit you, what your problem areas are.
  2. Make requests. If you know you need shorts but don’t want to end up with shorts like the ones I got, tell them you want shorts with at least a seven inch inseam. If you never wear dresses, make sure you specify that. Tell them what you know you need more of.
  3. If a top they send you is super cute, but it turns out to be too baggy or small, you can exchange it for a different size. Write that on your online check-out after you have tried everything on, and send in your exchange in the free envelope they provide.
  4. Make a Pinterest board, pin outfits you like, and include the web address to your Pinterest account on your Stitch Fix profile. My stylists have mentioned looking at my Pinterest boards and website.
  5. Take the style surveys on I take them for fun every now and then, but it helps build a profile of my preferences.

A new Stitch Fix option I used this time:

What I really still needed in my wardrobe is more summer bottoms, and what I love to wear most are cropped pants. While I was surfing around the Stitch Fix site after putting in my order, I noticed that you can now click on items you have purchased and order the items they picture to go with them. I clicked on my navy top, pictured above. They paired it with a classic looking pair of gray capri-length pants. It even looks like they have a sleek tab waist that may be elastic. Even though they cost a little more than I would normally order, I ordered them! I know they will match most anything, and every single time except for once the pants they have sent me have fit perfectly.

From the Stitch Fix website, once your in your profile, click on “Shop”, then click on “complete your looks.” It will display an entire outfit to go with each item you have purchased. Pretty cool, huh?

All right, I am off to do some house cleaning. Let me know if you order a fix for yourself and what you think! If you would like to learn more about how the process works, see my very first Stitch Fix review here.


  • Specialty bras! You mean you can buy bras at other places other than Walmart 🙂 Just kidding, but it kind of feels like that for me. I hate wearing them in general! You look adorable! Glad you found at least some items you liked 🙂

  • I don’t have a lot of specialty bras either.. or any. And I have never thought I looked good in shorts. Never. I love dresses. Even skirts are iffy with me. They need to be pencil skirts.
    Also I’m totally distract by Rosie and the Star Wars toys in the background. All so good!

    • haha! Yes, there is alway so much going on in the background at our house. I hid in Caleb’s room because I thought it would be the quietest and have light and a camera spot. Caleb wants to own every Star Wars Lego ever made.

  • McMom

    Love the navy dress and the navy top so much. Very cute. They have definitely changed some things for the better since I tried it – free returns for a different size, cheaper clothes, and complete the look purchase options. Good for them.

  • Cute options! I have thought a few times about giving Stitch Fix a try but just have not bitten the bullet yet.

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