Stitch Fix Winter 2020: I Hope You Love Grey

I was especially eager to open my Stitch Fix box this week.
That little box of goodies was shuttled straight upstairs where I placed it in Caleb’s room, so I could do an unboxing video on Facebook Live. (All other rooms were either occupied by my family or have terrible Wifi reception).
As soon as I got my make-up on, I was called to help a son with a math assignment. Then there were second grade papers to take a photo of and upload. Emails and phone calls came in related to the boys’ schooling. I had to run to the school to pick up science materials, and before you knew it, it was time to make them lunch. Lunch soon led to more tech help, and by the end of the day I was way too emotionally beat up to do a video. I had done my face so nicely that day too.
The next day I was not nearly as prepared. All high hopes for my day were replaced with more realistic ones. I put on eyeliner and mascara only and not even contacts, but by golly, I got my Facebook Live Stitch Fix video done! (Update: Sorry! I deleted that page, not realizing how much I would lose, so it is no more.)
I was annoyed at getting three different grey tops.
This sort of thing has never happened to me before, and I have been using Stitch Fix for three or four years. It is a hit or miss thing, letting someone else pick out your clothes for you!
But this is very much the perfect year for trying a shopper service like Stitch Fix.
So I purchased two items from the box and sent the other three back in the return envelope they send you with your box. Then I went online, told them what I did not like, and I ordered another box. That’s right. I am giving them one more try in helping me with my winter wardrobe. I asked for the same things I did last time: accessories and cozy clothes. We shall see if they get it more right this time.
Here is what the clothes looked like on:

Which do you think looks better? Tucked or untucked?
I actually do think this shirt is cute, but I did send it back. Three grey shirts is not what I want. Hard years need colorful clothes to help cheer us up!!

Yet another black and grey shirt, but this one just fell right on me. It is SUPER comfy, and I thought it was flattering from all angles. That is a keeper. Sorry these photos have such terrible quality. I did not realize how bad they were until I uploaded them.

If a shirt makes you feel good about yourself, you keep it.

Now do not let that first pic fool you. I am not into false advertising. This top only looked good on me from that one angle. Otherwise, it made me look like giant walking hips. So, no thank you. Back to Stitch Fix you go.

Maybe I could have salvaged this shirt by ripping off the bottom eight inches, like Trinny does. But it was not worth it for an ugly colored top with drawstrings. Bleh.
So what do you guys think?
Would you have kept all those grey tops? Do you crave color as much as I do right now? 2020 demands brilliant color, I think. It brightens your day.
I will keep you all updated when I get my next box. Maybe it will be a whole lot better. Here’s hoping!
If you would like to give Stitch Fix a try for yourself, click here to get $25 off your first box of clothes. That code applies whether you buy one things or five, does not matter.
Great job. Happy Holidays 🙏
You do wear gray really well!! Great color for you. But that was a lot of gray and a lot of stripes. I have $25 credit on Stitch so should do a box just for kicks. I have trouble deciding if things ‘are me’ when I get Stitch Fix boxes. Most of the time, I like the pieces but can’t decide about wearing them myself. Last year, I kept a whole box in late winter. It was a kind of strange combo of things. A maxi, a pair of shorts, 2 sweaters and a blouse. Anyway, I think you kept the right pieces. You can add some color with accessories if you decide to. The earrings were adorable on you. Fun, quick video.
I would have only kept the one with the interesting stripes; I too would have been so disappointed to see three gray tops. I mean I like black and gray but c’mon we all need some pops of color now and then.
Yes! Exactly!