How to Bake Yummy Yeast Rolls

4 years ago

I have tried several recipes in my quest to make delicious-melt-in-your-mouth rolls from scratch. They were all utter failures.....until this…

Of all the places, which one did you like best?

4 years ago

This year we moved AGAIN. Did I mention that already? Maybe I've brought it up too much. Sorry about that.,…

Tour of Homes from 17 Years of Army Life

4 years ago

One of my favorite parts of this strange life we lead is choosing my next house. With each one, I…

15 Beautiful, Serene Photos of Northeast Maryland

4 years ago

I do appreciate a good mural. Welcome to summer in northeast Maryland! I have lived in Maryland a grand total…

The 10 Friends You Need at Each Duty Station

5 years ago

Maybe you can relate. Here are a few of my favorite kinds of friends. Which one are you? Which one…

There is no normal. Just ask Rosie.

5 years ago

This house must be cleaned and decorated so that we can fool people into thinking we have our acts together!!…

14 Crazy Things I Said this Week that Make Perfect Sense for a Military Wife

5 years ago

The Military life is a unique one for sure. Sometimes I find myself saying things that are sort of ridiculous,…

Coping with the Move Part II: Less Solitaire

5 years ago

Two weeks ago I blogged about how I cope with the move, most of it in the form of counterproductive…

PoppySeed Chicken Recipe: My Most Requested Dish

5 years ago

If I get an email or Facebook message from a friend I haven't seen in 5 or 10 years, odds…

What Coping Mechanisms Work for You?

5 years ago

Sadness got to me a little bit this week. Moving can be mentally hard. I can say that today without…