10 Exciting Archaeology Finds that Support the Bible

bible Archaeology

With thousands of dig sites in Israel, scientists are constantly coming across exciting archaeology finds that support the Bible. There are books upon books about biblical archaeology. There is even a monthly magazine that reports on archaeological findings that relate to the Bible. I will link you to some of my favorite archaeology books at the end of this article. But for now, I want to share 10 exciting and relevant artifacts when it comes to the Bible. When I […]

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The Silver Scrolls: Even Older than the Dead Sea Scrolls

all about the silver scrolls

***This page contains Amazon links and ads. When you order through these links, I do collect advertising fees.*** The Dead Sea scrolls we have all heard of. They were discovered in the caves of Qumran, by the Dead Sea, in the 1940s. But have you ever heard of the Silver Scrolls? Sounds a little more posh, don’t you think? They’re silver, so it sounds like jewelry. Well, the funny thing is they were jewelry, amulets actually. And what better to […]

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What The Nuzi Tablets from 1450-1350 BC Teach Us About the Bible

Digging in to Biblical Archaeology… One of my favorite things to read about is archaeological finds that have something to do with the Bible–anything to do with the Bible! These historical artifacts are not the reason that I believe, but they do substantiate and reinforce and inform my beliefs. They spur me on in my awe and wonder of this book we call The Holy Bible. For me, the biggest reason for my faith is that God has been there […]

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