60 Triumphant Photos of Spring Around the World in 2020
This post is a pick-me-up for today. I don’t know about you, but I could really use one. Think of it as wall-to-wall happy photos of spring in all of its glory. You know what I am thankful for? I am thankful that this whole pandemic mess is happening during my favorite season of the year: spring.

The glorious blooms that abound on my street, in my neighborhood, and the whole way to the Burger King drive thru window wave to me with joy. They remind me that the sun is still rising every morning. There is no new thing under the sun. The world has seen worse. God is still in heaven, and we will get through this too. If the earth is breaking out into such harmonious song, as seen in these pictures, then obviously the fat lady ain’t quite sung yet.
Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
Luke 12:27
I emailed a few friends with cameras and asked for photographs of spring wherever they are currently. Then I went on Facebook and begged a few spring pictures off of people in my newsfeed. These range from my own back yard to Amman, Jordan. Most of them are in the U.S. because I have never lived overseas. All of these photos, with the exception of the Europe ones (2018-19), were all taken in spring 2020, right in the middle of the world-wide shutdown. And you don’t have to click “NEXT” a thousand times to see them all either because you know I would never do that to you. Enjoy!

My friend Kristin sent me these gorgeous European photos. These first two are from flower shops in Amsterdam.

The picture of the yellow fields is from the village where my friend Kristin lives in in Germany. There is lots of farming in that area, and these are rapeseed flowers that they press to make rapeseed oil.

My friend Laura sent this photo from where she lives in Jordan. She said that the scene above is spring in Jordan in the tiny window when there is actual green to be seen before the sun fries all the grass once temperatures pass the 90s. Sheep are grazing everywhere while there is fresh grass! By the end of May this will all be brown.

Some of you may be wondering how I got pictures of Utah. Remember Jennings? She’s my college days friend who is a flight attendant. Well, airline travel is drastically reduced, but she does still get to work some days. Jennings went to Utah this past week and shared a few photos with us.

People of all ages are passing time outside this year instead of at shopping centers and restaurants. These young folks in the photo are all my cousins. I think we are all getting more time than usual in nature. Aren’t you glad it is spring and not winter?

Spring 2020 is no ordinary season. This is my friend Kristina who, like many people across the country, has been busy at home creating masks. Kristina has made tons of these and delivered them to community and hospital personnel. Her designs are cute too!

Look at all these super cute masks, and here I still haven’t managed to make myself one or find one, so I just don’t go anywhere. I really need to order one of these. I am not crafty, friends. Alan made one out of a bandana which he wore to buy our groceries, but I just haven’t left my car.

I thought the photo above was a fun way to end the post. Kelly’s family staged this so perfectly. In a spring where we are all tied to our electronic devices, I hope you all get a chance to go soak in all that spring has to offer. You know, when it isn’t raining. Of course, you could also be like my son Daniel and go out and play in the rain.
Thank you to all of my photographers!
Kristin Voudouris, Laura Childs, Megan Riley, Olivia Burley, Laura Sheldon, Jennings Rhodes, Amber Townsend, Dave Zimmerman, Kristina Tucker, Alyson Mims, Helena Booth, Katie Hedges, Amy McAmis, Sadie Waters, Stacie Harris, Amy Wilson, and Kelly Divito. Some of these I literally saw their photo in my Facebook feed and asked them if I could pretty please have their pictures. Haha! They were kind enough to share.

LOVE these! Thanks.
Thank you! Sorry I lost the red-headed woodpecker.
Beautiful! The few times we’ve been out driving around, it’s been nice seeing all the spring colors!
Thank you!
Love these! Uplifting post for sure. The emergence of spring is a reminder than even in the midst of a pandemic, God is unchanging. Nature blooms with new life all around us right now, just like every year. God continues to pour out blessings, which we see if we look for them! Thank you for these.
Thank you! And Amen. Praise the Lord.