War, Basketball, & the Missing Boots

War, Basketball, & the Missing Boots

War Guess what has taken our house by storm lately? War!!! No, I am not referring to Nerf War. That was so two weeks ago. We are talking about the card game. In fact, War has been played so much in our house that I can assure you that our deck of cards now only contains 52 cards. Yes, that sounds normal, but the problem is two of those cards are Jokers. If you use Jokers to play War, the […]

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How the Sumerian King List Relates to the Bible

Of all the ancient artifacts I have studied, the Sumerian Kings list brings the largest “wow” factor to me, outside of the claims of the Bible itself. Basically, it is a list of kings, kept by the Sumerian civilization sometime around 2100 BC. The list exists in many different fragments of clay tablets. The largest list is the Weld-Blundell prism, which you can find at Ashmolean Museum cuneiform collection in Oxford. Some of these fragments of the list do not […]

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“Settling in” 7 Months After Moving

I know some of you are so tired of me writing about moving you could puke. Sorry, guys. It is such a big deal. The impact of moving cannot be stated generously enough. All these back-to-back moves have brought so much stress that I feel like if I could simply harness the stress, it could be a mighty power source. We could light up New York City with the stress of all the military wives, I am quite sure of […]

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7 Books for Middle Schoolers We Enjoyed this Year

7 books middle schoolers love

***When you order through Amazon ads on this page, I do collect advertising fees. All opinions are my own.*** Middle Schoolers Can Be Super Picky But then, aren’t most people picky about what they read? I will deliberate for 5 minutes, put a book down, pick up another, change my mind, go back to book A, put it down, and then finally decide on a different book altogether. The older I get the pickier I seem to be. When I […]

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An Easy and Happy Valentine’s Day

easy and happy Valentine's day

When I was a child, I loved Valentine’s Day. No, not really just Valentine’s Day. I loved ALL the holidays. I never liked those questions where people ask you which is your favorite. As a kid people often ask you your favorite things. “What’s your favorite color?” “Favorite holiday?” “Favorite food?” I have the same problem with all three of these questions, which no one asks you when you’re an adult, until you have children. Then your children ask you […]

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The Cookie Fiasco: All That Work for Nothing

A couple of weeks ago I found out that the ladies’ ministry at my church is going to have a cookie contest. It is really more than just a contest, it is a luncheon, but at the luncheon there will be a cookie contest. Then the cookies are delivered to teachers at a local school. We are giving back to our community with something pleasant like Valentine cookies. Now I am a regular attending member of our church, and also […]

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46 Photos and Facts of Valley Forge National Historic Park

A few months ago, just out of curiosity, I googled the distance from my new house to Valley Forge. I probably didn’t even know Valley Forge was in Pennsylvania, but I knew it was the site of the Revolutionary Army’s famous winter encampment of 1777-78. Much to my delight, I discovered that I live only an HOUR away! One hour! My first thought was, “Awesome!” My second thought was, “Oh no, just how cold is this winter going to be?” […]

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Flu Week 2020

dog scarf

Is it just me, or does the flu seem especially rampant this year? Maybe it is just because it happened to us that it feels that way. Never will I ever regret not getting a shot so much as I regret not getting the flu shot. Alan had his, so he’s had the curse of having to do both my job and his job this week, plus constantly Clorox wiping the house. It’s been rough. Only he and Joshua have […]

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Where to Next? The Trust of a Military Child

Where to Next?

When we moved this past summer, it went differently than I thought it would. The vibe of the moving day exit of our beloved neighborhood was not at all the vibe that I expected, but in a good way. Last time we left Virginia, in 2014, when we drove the boys away from this place so dear to our hearts, there was so much drama about it. One child was brave but sad, hugged everyone as expected and said his […]

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10 Minute Meals for When You’re Injured, Over-Scheduled, or Just Plain Tired

10 minute meals

Super easy 10 minute meals are all I have time for lately. Have you ever had a phase like that? This week I had to stay off my feet. I had plantar fasciitis in a mild, I-can-handle-this version for 4 months. A little over a week ago, it turned into big, fat roaring don’t-you-dare-take-a-step-on-these-feet plantar fasciitis. It hurt! I did go and see a doctor about it. He gave me some anti-inflammatory medicine, and he told me to stay off […]

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