Quarantine Family Home Tour

Quarantine Family Home Tour

Normally on this blog, I tend to visit new places and post photos of them. I also go house hunting every 1-3 years, since I am a military wife, that has been our lot. Since nowadays we, like everyone else in the world, stay home all the time, I thought I would give you a tour of my house instead, or at least the interesting parts of my house. I am officially not allowed to show you the boys’ rooms. […]

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Into the Unknown: Virtual School Nerves and Anxiety

into the unknown: virtual school nerves and anxiety

Is anyone else feeling nervous about their kids beginning virtual school? I feel like this is an issue that parents across the entire world are dealing with. We have been out of school for the sheltering-in-place or quarantine or social distancing, whatever you want to call it, for a month now. Seriously. An entire month has passed. During that month, we here in Maryland were given home-school packets of suggested work. Thankfully, they gave us all the benefit of the […]

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15 Helpful Websites and Apps for Your Quarantine Home School

I still cannot believe we are doing this whole quarantine home school thing, but hey, we are all in this together. Right? From reading texts from friends and my modern-day gossip column (Facebook), I gather that some schools provided solid plans for students who are at home while others did not. We live in Maryland. Our teachers were given less than 24 hours of notice before schools shut down. Therefore, they cannot guarantee that all children have internet access at […]

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Exciting Announcement– My Israel Book is Free for Two Days!

tour Israel in pictures and stories

I am up to my neck in home school work at the moment. Two are reading contentedly. One just finished Dog Man and is choosing to whine rather than pick his next book to read. The other one is begrudgingly beginning Hunger Games. His teacher has outlawed many of the books that he would rather read. Since school here is only cancelled through April, we still have to follow the guidelines they gave us. Fun, fun, fun. But I wanted […]

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Quarantine Week 2: The Quitter Feet and the Centenarians

Quarantine Week 2: The Quitter Feet and the Centenarians

***This post contains Amazon ads. I do collect advertising fees when you purchase through these links.*** This is quarantine week two for us. How about you? All the moms are working harder than EVER. Well, not all, but you know, a vast amount of us anyway, all of us who still have kids at home. The schools here sent fresh new packets of work, a separate packet for each upcoming week. I printed all four packets out, but I have […]

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10 Ideas for Making a Quarantine Birthday Fun

quarantine birthday

Do you have anyone in your house with a quarantine birthday? It feels ironic that I wrote a post only two weeks ago where I talked about how my birthday party was postponed when I turned eight years old. That was due to chicken pox. Remember chicken pox? Then here I am thirty-one years later “postponing” my son’s ninth birthday party while we all hunker down to slow the spread of the new coronavirus. I told him we will do […]

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Life in the Underground Day 2: The Great Return to Home School

The Great Return to Home school Day 2

And just like that, the whole country became home school families! Does anyone else feel like a month has passed since last Wednesday? Our “cancelling school” announcement came on a Thursday night, and that was the day the world felt like it began to unravel. Then we all sort of went underground. Now you know this all feels extremely ironic to me. I said I would never home school again. It was not for me. Honestly, I was a bit […]

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My New Book, Tour Israel in Pictures & Stories, with a Giveaway

tour Israel in pictures and stories

Hurray! It is finished! I feel like everyone already knows this, but I forget that not everyone is a Facebook junkie like me. Many of you may have no idea. How could I have forgotten to ALSO let my blog readers know something that I am this excited about?? Have you ever done something so new and exciting to you that you almost don’t even know what to do next? I mean between the book publishing and the earth-shattering news […]

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How to Create a Vision Board, with Examples

How to Create a Vision Board, with Examples

***Disclosure statement: I do collect advertising fees from Amazon when you purchase through Amazon links on my site.*** Have you heard of these vision boards? I just heard about it this year, reading Girl, Wash Your Face, by Rachel Hollis. I never finished the book, but the vision board idea was an intriguing one. In my mind I was picturing a vision board as a bulletin board, by my closet with visual reminders of the goals that I have. At […]

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Birthday Week 2020

Remember when you were a child, how exciting birthdays were? In my 8-year-old world, birthdays were the best event of the year. A whole day of presents, cake, and friends? What could be better than that? In fact, I remember turning eight especially well. That was the year I had chicken pox. The party had to be moved to a week later. My poor mom probably had to call everyone. Kids these days do not know how good they have […]

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