Life in the Underground Day 2: The Great Return to Home School

The Great Return to Home school Day 2

And just like that, the whole country became home school families! Does anyone else feel like a month has passed since last Wednesday? Our “cancelling school” announcement came on a Thursday night, and that was the day the world felt like it began to unravel. Then we all sort of went underground. Now you know this all feels extremely ironic to me. I said I would never home school again. It was not for me. Honestly, I was a bit […]

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7 Books for Middle Schoolers We Enjoyed this Year

7 books middle schoolers love

***When you order through Amazon ads on this page, I do collect advertising fees. All opinions are my own.*** Middle Schoolers Can Be Super Picky But then, aren’t most people picky about what they read? I will deliberate for 5 minutes, put a book down, pick up another, change my mind, go back to book A, put it down, and then finally decide on a different book altogether. The older I get the pickier I seem to be. When I […]

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