6 Important Considerations for Homeschooling

what to conside when deciding to homeschool your kids

Today I have a guest post for you on the topic of important considerations for your homeschooling decision. This is a topic that is near and dear to my heart, as we have homeschooled at our house several different years, in a couple of different ways. There was so much that went into this decision. Our expert today is here to share with us what we should think about when we are making this important decision. Going to school is […]

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15 Helpful Websites and Apps for Your Quarantine Home School

I still cannot believe we are doing this whole quarantine home school thing, but hey, we are all in this together. Right? From reading texts from friends and my modern-day gossip column (Facebook), I gather that some schools provided solid plans for students who are at home while others did not. We live in Maryland. Our teachers were given less than 24 hours of notice before schools shut down. Therefore, they cannot guarantee that all children have internet access at […]

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Life in the Underground Day 2: The Great Return to Home School

The Great Return to Home school Day 2

And just like that, the whole country became home school families! Does anyone else feel like a month has passed since last Wednesday? Our “cancelling school” announcement came on a Thursday night, and that was the day the world felt like it began to unravel. Then we all sort of went underground. Now you know this all feels extremely ironic to me. I said I would never home school again. It was not for me. Honestly, I was a bit […]

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What did I expect this beautiful mess to look like???

BOOM!! bounce bounce bounce The school day is done, and I was answering blog comments, and I heard this loud noise. Don’t worry. All is well. I ran to check it out. I scanned the front yard. No one there, but it sounded like someone had hit our house with a basketball!  Weird! Just then, Joshua barged in the back door and proudly proclaimed, “I just kicked a soccer ball OVER the roof! I’ll go get it!” Big boys. I […]

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“See it how I see it.”

Do you ever get messed up in how you see things? You work, and you work, and you work, but you are never done, and after awhile the sky seems to be falling, you’ve forgotten to take time for fun, and suddenly all of the joy that should be in your heart is snuffed out like a candle on a birthday cake. Well, that’s been me for…well, since we moved, I guess. I just keep telling myself that if I […]

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Frumpy Momma: Why It’s Time to Start Taking Care of Myself Again

frumpy momma: time to start taking care of myself again

I can’t believe that’s me. This is not me. Oh, but it is…oh, but it is.

I don’t know about you, but life definitely goes in cycles for me. I have phases where I’m like, “I got this,” and I wear make-up everyday, exercise regularly, smile at people,

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