Accepting Life As It Is While Maryland Returns to Full Virtual School

Accepting Life As Is While Maryland Returns to Full Virtual School

A month ago, COVID case numbers were down, and they announced that we would gradually start sending the children back to school. The funny part is that it was only for one day a week anyway. Around half the county signed up for this, and the other half elected to just stay full time virtual. Wow! There were so many people who were not so terribly desperate for a quiet day that they actually chose to stay full virtual. All […]

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Touring Havre de Grace Boardwalk, Pandemic Style

Havre de Grace boardwalk

June is always a dizzyingly busy month. We have two family birthdays, Father’s Day, and the end of school. For 2019, 2018, 2016, and 2014, we were also in the middle of a big move. So you can imagine, that the children are all completely bewildered at spending June stuck in our own house. Not just stuck in the house, but in the SAME house as last year! What??? Haaaa! The military life has been quite chaotic for us the […]

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8 Days of Finding Joy During a Pandemic

8 Days of Choosing Joy During a Pandemic

Have you had to look a little harder for joy over the past few months of pandemic? Do you find the coronavirus and the news to all be a little discouraging? Feeling down and being in a place of seeking joy has happened to me many times over the years, not because I am totally Sadness all the time because I am not. It is just that hard times call for digging a little deeper, and we are definitely in difficult […]

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Weeks 6 and 7: Sometimes I am not okay.

Sometimes I am not okay.

Tuesday, April 21 (Week 6) The Mostly Happy Week I am taking a break upstairs, listening to Alan’s surprised voice downstairs saying, “Y’all already ate that sherbet!!??” It truly is eat or be eaten around here. Food has a short shelf life. School is going better though! Therefore, my stress level has decreased. Monday all the boys’ work was due to be turned in by 12pm, and we had most of it turned in on Friday afternoon. New assignments were […]

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Quarantine Week 5, Computer School Week 1: It’s like patience training.

Quarantine Week 5, Computer School Week 1: It's like patience training.

This past week I stopped every few days to jot down a paragraph or two of how quarantine was going for us. I had no idea it was going to be such a challenging week, thanks to the addition of virtual schooling. Our school only involves a little of the classroom videos. It is mostly, “Go to this website, click on the list, click on the links, do the problems. Take the quiz at the end. Create a brochure about […]

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15 Helpful Websites and Apps for Your Quarantine Home School

I still cannot believe we are doing this whole quarantine home school thing, but hey, we are all in this together. Right? From reading texts from friends and my modern-day gossip column (Facebook), I gather that some schools provided solid plans for students who are at home while others did not. We live in Maryland. Our teachers were given less than 24 hours of notice before schools shut down. Therefore, they cannot guarantee that all children have internet access at […]

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Quarantine Week 2: The Quitter Feet and the Centenarians

Quarantine Week 2: The Quitter Feet and the Centenarians

***This post contains Amazon ads. I do collect advertising fees when you purchase through these links.*** This is quarantine week two for us. How about you? All the moms are working harder than EVER. Well, not all, but you know, a vast amount of us anyway, all of us who still have kids at home. The schools here sent fresh new packets of work, a separate packet for each upcoming week. I printed all four packets out, but I have […]

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10 Ideas for Making a Quarantine Birthday Fun

quarantine birthday

Do you have anyone in your house with a quarantine birthday? It feels ironic that I wrote a post only two weeks ago where I talked about how my birthday party was postponed when I turned eight years old. That was due to chicken pox. Remember chicken pox? Then here I am thirty-one years later “postponing” my son’s ninth birthday party while we all hunker down to slow the spread of the new coronavirus. I told him we will do […]

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