What it was Like to Wear a Linq Heart Monitor for Three Years

The Linq monitor is a small loop recorder, about the size of a small person’s pinky finger. Recently I received an email from a reader (in the Netherlands, believe it or not) asking me for more details about the Linq heart monitor process. I had the Linq heart monitor inside my chest, near my heart, for three years. The Linq gave my electrophysiologist more information about the arrythmias I was experiencing. This diagnosis of a serious heart arrhythmia can scare […]

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One of My Best Stitch Fix Boxes Ever I Kept it All!!

Stitch Fix Review for summer 2020

***This post contains affiliate links. I do earn advertising fees when you order through Stitch Fix after clicking on these links. All opinions are my own.*** This was probably my tenth or so Stitch Fix box, and shorty shorts aside, this box was an exciting hit. This box had two adorable tops, two dresses that fit perfectly, and a terrible pair of Daisy Dukes. Since Alan was working from home on Friday, he was able to take photos for me. […]

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Lockdown Week 11: National Uproar, Alan at the Office, and My Next Ebook

Lockdown Week 11: National Uproar, Alan at the Office, and My Next Ebook

So how is everyone’s lock down going? Still feeling okay out there, in your own home? I noticed that some of my Alabama friends went back to church this Sunday. I was like, “Say whaaa?” I can’t even imagine that yet here in Maryland. Because we move so much, my Facebook newsfeed represents people from all over the country, but mostly the South, the D.C. area, and California/Washington state. I am always surprised at how different life is in different […]

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5 Cool Things I Found on the Internet this Week

5 Cool Things I Found on the Internet this Week

One of your duties as a blogger is to read other blogs. There are many reasons for this. It makes you a better writer, builds your online community, and also you learn things. At least one day per week, I take an extended stroll around the internet visiting my favorite blogs, and I try to regularly visit new ones as well. This week I found such cool stuff, I just had to share with my own blog readers. Usually I […]

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The Silver Scrolls: Even Older than the Dead Sea Scrolls

all about the silver scrolls

***This page contains Amazon links and ads. When you order through these links, I do collect advertising fees.*** The Dead Sea scrolls we have all heard of. They were discovered in the caves of Qumran, by the Dead Sea, in the 1940s. But have you ever heard of the Silver Scrolls? Sounds a little more posh, don’t you think? They’re silver, so it sounds like jewelry. Well, the funny thing is they were jewelry, amulets actually. And what better to […]

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15 Fun and Simple Games to Start Your School Day

15 Fun and Simple Games to Start Your School day

When this whole crisis home school fiasco started, John David, our resident first grader, sat down beside me and laid out exactly how his school day usually goes. He fully expected our distance learning day to mirror the way things run at regular school. Oh, boy, was he set up for disappointment or what? However, this did give me good ideas. This year John David has a teacher who makes school very fun, so she is someone I should be […]

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Lock Down Week 8: Holding on to Hope

***This website contains Amazon affiliate links. When you purchase through these links, I do collect a advertising fees.*** Week eight was calmer for us, but also we were tired. We are ready to be done with home school, but instead Maryland announced this week that they are extending school until June 16th. Boo fun. The boys seemed to have less energy to do their school work, and I definitely had less energy to drive them on. At least I wan’t […]

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Weeks 6 and 7: Sometimes I am not okay.

Sometimes I am not okay.

Tuesday, April 21 (Week 6) The Mostly Happy Week I am taking a break upstairs, listening to Alan’s surprised voice downstairs saying, “Y’all already ate that sherbet!!??” It truly is eat or be eaten around here. Food has a short shelf life. School is going better though! Therefore, my stress level has decreased. Monday all the boys’ work was due to be turned in by 12pm, and we had most of it turned in on Friday afternoon. New assignments were […]

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60 Triumphant Photos of Spring Around the World in 2020

60 Triumphant Photos of Spring Around the World 2020

This post is a pick-me-up for today. I don’t know about you, but I could really use one. Think of it as wall-to-wall happy photos of spring in all of its glory. You know what I am thankful for? I am thankful that this whole pandemic mess is happening during my favorite season of the year: spring. The glorious blooms that abound on my street, in my neighborhood, and the whole way to the Burger King drive thru window wave […]

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Quarantine Week 5, Computer School Week 1: It’s like patience training.

Quarantine Week 5, Computer School Week 1: It's like patience training.

This past week I stopped every few days to jot down a paragraph or two of how quarantine was going for us. I had no idea it was going to be such a challenging week, thanks to the addition of virtual schooling. Our school only involves a little of the classroom videos. It is mostly, “Go to this website, click on the list, click on the links, do the problems. Take the quiz at the end. Create a brochure about […]

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